4201 | 5713 | Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus As | | 3332 | 3219 | 12104 | 2394 |
4202 | 15649 | Medical Center Isida Don Ivf | | 14878 | 14667 | 12104 | 2394 |
4203 | 10469 | Clinique à Nantes - Le Confluent | | 7104 | 12243 | 6167 | 2394 |
4204 | 10788 | Lecznica Dzieci I Doroslych Szpital Private Healthcare Clinic for Children and Adults Lecznica Dzieci I Dorosłych | | 12098 | 10408 | 9261 | 2394 |
4205 | 8151 | Leeds Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust | | 4314 | 7569 | 10253 | 2394 |
4206 | 9157 | Lõuna Eesti Haigla South Estonian Hospital | | 5712 | 9089 | 9811 | 2394 |
4207 | 9840 | Centrum Medyczne Alcor | | 11621 | 7205 | 12104 | 2394 |
4208 | 4498 | Medical Center Lemesheva | | 9599 | 1222 | 12104 | 2394 |
4209 | 13118 | Lenton Medical Centre | | 15080 | 11199 | 12104 | 2394 |
4210 | 10742 | Leonardis Klinik Fachklinik für Innere Medizin und Neurologie | | 9804 | 11254 | 8481 | 2394 |
4211 | 6112 | Sanatorium St Leonhard | | 3069 | 6877 | 7039 | 2394 |
4212 | 7805 | Leopoldina Krankenhaus | | 4060 | 6737 | 10913 | 2394 |
4213 | 11723 | Centre Medico Chirugical les Cedres | | 13725 | 11128 | 9811 | 2394 |
4214 | 12506 | Letoon Hosptal | | 8635 | 12429 | 12104 | 2394 |
4215 | 7743 | Levent Hastanesi | | 11249 | 7287 | 6619 | 2394 |
4216 | 7845 | Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust | | 3531 | 6342 | 12104 | 2394 |
4217 | 3715 | Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | | 6164 | 4828 | 1497 | 2394 |
4218 | 13643 | La Hulpe Medical Center | | 10606 | 13625 | 12104 | 2394 |
4219 | 6004 | Hopital Nord-Ouest | | 5927 | 7073 | 4213 | 2394 |
4220 | 13935 | Prof Dr Lichtenberger György honlapja Szent Rókus Kórház | | 14968 | 13130 | 12104 | 2394 |
4221 | 6836 | Ziekenhuis Lievensberg | | 12269 | 3916 | 9504 | 2394 |
4222 | 11454 | Life Clinic | | 11148 | 10268 | 12104 | 2394 |
4223 | 7250 | Alytaus Apskrities Stasio Kudirkos Ligonine | | 5536 | 9648 | 3485 | 2394 |
4224 | 5379 | Children’s Hospital of the Future Charitable Fund | | 2652 | 6948 | 4886 | 2394 |
4225 | 10795 | Licon Medical Center | | 9559 | 9484 | 12104 | 2394 |
4226 | 1961 | Klinik Lindberg | | 3819 | 1594 | 2603 | 2394 |
4227 | 8533 | Regionales Krankenheim Lindenfeld | | 12728 | 9213 | 4250 | 2394 |
4228 | 4083 | Lindenhofgruppe | | 3238 | 5709 | 2535 | 2394 |
4229 | 10189 | City Hospital Lipetsk | | 8038 | 11804 | 6113 | 2394 |
4230 | 14815 | Lisburn Health Centre | | 15468 | 14258 | 12104 | 2394 |
4231 | 9926 | Lister Medical Centre | | 11506 | 10730 | 6274 | 2394 |
4232 | 14137 | Litchdon Medical Group | | 13374 | 14320 | 8843 | 2394 |
4233 | 4306 | Nemocnice Litomysl Obecne Informace | | 6266 | 3385 | 6213 | 2394 |
4234 | 12490 | Lito Private Hospital | | 12139 | 12707 | 9504 | 2394 |
4235 | 6659 | Latvian Basin Central Hospital | | 4130 | 8535 | 4715 | 2394 |
4236 | 5422 | Landeskrankenhaus Gmunden | | 9431 | 3623 | 7660 | 2394 |
4237 | 5115 | Krankenhaus Rohrbach | | 9199 | 3887 | 6213 | 2394 |
4238 | 5767 | Landeskrankenhaus Scharding | | 9376 | 4216 | 7560 | 2394 |
4239 | 5307 | Landeskrankenhaus Vöcklabruck | | 8530 | 3237 | 8481 | 2394 |
4240 | 4160 | Landeskrankenhaus Bregenz | | 5139 | 4694 | 3463 | 2394 |
4241 | 6590 | Landeskrankenhaus Hohenems | | 6751 | 6725 | 6430 | 2394 |
4242 | 5346 | Landeskrankenhaus Bludenz | | 6220 | 5889 | 4270 | 2394 |
4243 | 8458 | (1) Landkreis Passau Krankenhaus | | 12728 | 8411 | 5660 | 2394 |
4244 | 14809 | Canolfan Iechyd Health Centre | | 12932 | 14667 | 9261 | 2394 |
4245 | 4633 | Landkreis Mittweida Krankenhaus | | 5940 | 6268 | 1702 | 2394 |
4246 | 9846 | LNWH NHS Trust | | 4779 | 9133 | 12104 | 2394 |
4247 | 4412 | Logon Medical Center | | 3076 | 2529 | 10253 | 2394 |
4248 | 10854 | Lipetsk Regional Clinical Hospital | | 9199 | 10264 | 10913 | 2394 |
4249 | 3355 | Lokman Hekim Hastanesi | | 2825 | 5470 | 1301 | 2394 |
4250 | 10131 | Lombardi Eye Clinic | | 5368 | 10382 | 10253 | 2394 |
4251 | 15580 | Ultrasound Diagnostic Clinic Dr Loncarevic | | 14682 | 14667 | 12104 | 2394 |
4252 | 988 | London Bridge Hospital | | 1303 | 663 | 2714 | 2394 |
4253 | 13692 | London Medical Centre | | 11287 | 13570 | 12104 | 2394 |
4254 | 11497 | London Oncology Clinic | | 14762 | 8562 | 12104 | 2394 |
4255 | 14948 | Wellington Hospital Urology Services | | 12841 | 14667 | 10253 | 2394 |
4256 | 4611 | London Vision Clinic | | 4751 | 2325 | 10253 | 2394 |
4257 | 5836 | London Women's Clinic | | 7168 | 3246 | 10253 | 2394 |
4258 | 10308 | Lonsdale Medical Centre | | 13122 | 10852 | 6274 | 2394 |
4259 | 11288 | Instituto Psiquiátrico López Ibor | | 10794 | 10039 | 12104 | 2394 |
4260 | 11385 | Lordshill Health Centre Southampton City NHS Primary Care Trust | | 13331 | 10865 | 9504 | 2394 |
4261 | 14309 | Loreley Klinik St Goar Krankenhaus St Goar Oberwesel | | 14682 | 14320 | 8651 | 2394 |
4262 | 14182 | Loreto Centro Médico | | 14762 | 13694 | 12104 | 2394 |
4263 | 12761 | Loretto Klinik Chirurgische Privatklinik | | 15080 | 10414 | 12104 | 2394 |
4264 | 13476 | Hospital Universitario de Salamanca Hospital los Montalvos | | 15080 | 11979 | 12104 | 2394 |
4265 | 3348 | Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust | | 5785 | 5207 | 606 | 2394 |
4266 | 10620 | Leopardstown Park Hospital | | 13883 | 10698 | 6962 | 2394 |
4267 | 12067 | Luberetsky Hospital nr 1 | | 5026 | 12435 | 12104 | 2394 |
4268 | 12349 | Clínica San Miguel y LRHP | | 8262 | 13570 | 7210 | 2394 |
4269 | 6261 | Tervetuloa Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Kotisivulle | | 3118 | 4125 | 12104 | 2394 |
4270 | 3739 | Laane Tallinna Keskhaigla | | 3359 | 4640 | 3293 | 2394 |
4271 | 5329 | Lubinus Gruppe Lubinus Clinicum | | 6742 | 5968 | 3778 | 2394 |
4272 | 15349 | Lucan Court Medical Centre | | 13725 | 14667 | 12104 | 2394 |
4273 | 15314 | Centro Médico Lucía Gascón Pedrola | | 13528 | 14667 | 12104 | 2394 |
4274 | 9400 | Evangelisches Lukas Krankenhaus Gronau | | 12841 | 8397 | 8481 | 2394 |
4275 | 5079 | Lukas Krankenhaus | | 9163 | 4670 | 4413 | 2394 |
4276 | 14405 | Lukas Øjenhospital Er Danmarks | | 14762 | 14000 | 12104 | 2394 |
4277 | 2289 | Kliniken Neuss Lukaskrankenhaus | | 1566 | 2919 | 2486 | 2394 |
4278 | 5497 | St Luke's Hospital | | 5479 | 5452 | 6213 | 2394 |
4279 | 9704 | Ivf Fertilitetsklinikken Riberhus I Ballerup Peter Lundström / Fertility Clinic In Ballerup | | 9231 | 9042 | 9811 | 2394 |
4280 | 14459 | Universitätsspital Basel Klinik für Pneumologie | | 15080 | 13919 | 12104 | 2394 |
4281 | 5931 | LungenClinic Grosshansdorf (Krankenhaus Großhansdorf) | | 8394 | 6254 | 4323 | 2394 |
4282 | 9491 | Lusíadas Saúde | | 2349 | 9564 | 12104 | 2394 |
4283 | 8433 | Lutrina Clinic Kaiserslautern | | 6923 | 6809 | 10913 | 2394 |
4284 | 14458 | Hull and East Riding Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership | | 11110 | 14667 | 6374 | 2394 |
4285 | 853 | Grupa LUX MED | | 1749 | 514 | 1942 | 2394 |
4286 | 3040 | Centrum Medyczne Luxmed | | 1763 | 3047 | 5660 | 2394 |
4287 | 9148 | Centrum Medyczne Luxmed Nałeczów | | 4281 | 10793 | 7560 | 2394 |
4288 | 12817 | Lymfocentrum | | 14171 | 11676 | 12104 | 2394 |
4289 | 8925 | Scientific Center of Clinic Lymphatic Surgery | | 3616 | 9609 | 9504 | 2394 |
4290 | 12633 | Centre de Radiologie Lyon | | 6793 | 13586 | 8843 | 2394 |
4291 | 4331 | Laurentius Ziekenhuis Roermond | | 2827 | 1899 | 12104 | 2394 |
4292 | 2253 | Clinic Mama Infertility Treatment Methods and Eco Icsi | | 1826 | 958 | 9504 | 2394 |
4293 | 5421 | Maasziekenhuis Pantein | | 3772 | 2720 | 12104 | 2394 |
4294 | 12284 | Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa | | 15080 | 9465 | 12104 | 2394 |
4295 | 14517 | Machon Clinic Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis | | 14821 | 14159 | 12104 | 2394 |
4296 | 3877 | Infertility Center Diagnosis and Treatment Macierzynstwo | | 7418 | 2185 | 7393 | 2394 |
4297 | 11320 | Madarász utcai Gyermekkórház Budapest | | 15080 | 7403 | 12104 | 2394 |
4298 | 13020 | Clínica Madina & Azparren | | 8855 | 13417 | 10253 | 2394 |
4299 | 12882 | Sia Madonas Hospital | | 6063 | 13637 | 9811 | 2394 |
4300 | 2255 | Markische Gesundheitsholding & Co Kg / Markische Kliniken | | 3887 | 2635 | 1208 | 2394 |