
Cybermetrics Lab

This Spanish research group belongs to CINDOC-CSIC and they are current researching into:

Design & development of a virtual observatory with web sites included in the world academic cyberspace.
Build web indicators will describe the academic systems in the WWW.
Research in the field of the techniques used in extracting web data.
Periodical evaluation of search engines, crawlers and other retrieval software used in Internet.


Cybermetrics (e-journal)

Cybermetrics is both an Electronic-only Journal and a Virtual Forum devoted to the study of the quantitative analysis of scholarly and scientific communications in the Internet. It is open to world-wide researchers to publish and discuss their findings. Internet offers them new and increased capabilities to distribute their results to a greater audience.


Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

The 2006 edition of the world university rankings edited by the Institute of Higher Education of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The ranking takes account of the quality of education, the quality of faculty, the research output and the size of the institutions.

    2007 edition
    2006 edition
    2005 edition
    2004 edition
    2003 edition


Thomson Scientific products

The main provider of scientific databases, including those based on citation analysis and others useful for building indicators is offering a lot of free access resources:

    ISI Master Journal List
    ISI Highly Cited
    ESI Special Topics

Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group. Wolverhampton University

An Information Science research group developing software and methodologies to exploit internet-based data sources for social sciences research. Team leader: Mike Thelwall

International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics

The Society aims to encourage communication and exchange of professional information in the field of scientometrics and informetrics, to improve standards, theory and practice in all areas of the discipline, to stimulate research, education and training, and to enhance the public perception of the discipline.

Capitale Resources for the Study of Social Capital

Social capital is a multidimensional concept, composed by the set of trust, social norms, social networks, and organizations that influence relations among people and are an asset for the individual and collective production of well-being.

The University of Groningen Ranking

The University of Groningen Ranking is intended to provide insight in which Hospitals have a significant output in a number of scientific fields and have a Citation per Paper ratio that is well above the world average.

OEDb's Online College Rankings 2007

A ranking of the most significant degree-granting undergraduate online colleges that operate in the USA, including webometric criteria.


Global Interdisciplinary Research Network for the Study of all Aspects of Collaboration in Science and in Technology.

Network leader: Hildrun Kretschmer

Steunpunt O&O Statistieken

Steunpunt O&O Statistieken develops a consistent system of R&D and Innovation (RD&I) indicators for the Flemish government. This indicator system has to assist the Flemish government in mapping and monitoring the RD&I efforts in the Flemish region.

Group leader: Wolfgang Glänzel


Department of Information Studies

Royal School of Library and Information Science. Copenhagen. Denmark.

Team leader: Peter Ingwersen

Centre for Science and Technology Studies. Leiden University

The CWTS specializes in advanced quantitative analysis of science and technology performance and the cognitive and organizational structure of science and technology.

Challenges in Ranking of Hospitals. Anthony FJ Raan, 2005

Research Evaluation and Policy Project. National University of Australia

The Research Evaluation and Policy Project (REPP) is Australia's leading centre for the systematic evaluation and mapping of research across all fields of scholarship.

Leader: Linda Butler

Observatoire des sciences et des techniques, Paris

The mission of OST is to produce quantitative indicators on research, development and innovation (RDI) systems for actors and decision makers in this field and to provide institutional and comparative studies for France relative to Europe and the world.

Observatoire des sciences et des techniques, Montreal

Observatoire des sciences et des technologies (OST) is an organization devoted to the measurement of science, technology and innovation (STI)

Grupo SCImago

SCImago is a research group from the University of Granada, Extremadura and Carlos III (Madrid), dedicated to information analysis, representation and retrieval by means of visualisation techniques.

Group leader: Felix de Moya


EC³ Grupo de investigación Evaluación de la ciencia y de la comunicación científica. Universidad de Granada

Group leader: Evaristo Jimenez Contreras

EC3noticias. Blog Bibliométrico del Grupo

Oxford Internet Institute

World's leading independent centre of excellence in academic research on the impact of the Internet on society, and in informing policy and generating debate


Association of Internet Researchers

The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a member-based support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope

Laboratorio de Estudios Métricos de Información. Universidad Carlos III, Madrid

The Laboratorio de Estudios Métricos de Información (LEMI) is a research group of the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid devoted to the quantitative studies of the scientific information

Team leader: Elias Sanz


Citebase Search

by Tim Brody

Blog Bibliometría

Blog Webometrics

Blog Wikimetrics