4943 | Medicina Preventiva Santa Fe Grupo Medis | | 2135 | 5148 | 7560 | 2394 |
1930 | Windsor Regional Hospital | | 2136 | 2629 | 1070 | 2394 |
3285 | Uzsoki Kórház | | 2137 | 5052 | 2008 | 2394 |
3979 | Wojewódzki Szpital Zespolony W Koninie | | 2138 | 8367 | 321 | 2394 |
579 | Samaritan Health Services OR | | 2138 | 831 | 748 | 753 |
2392 | Taiwan Hospital Association | | 2140 | 1089 | 9261 | 2394 |
1403 | Groene Hart Ziekenhuis | | 2141 | 1775 | 569 | 2394 |
5784 | Clinique des Grangettes Geneve | | 2142 | 4458 | 10913 | 2394 |
5306 | Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology Oxford Eye Hospital | | 2143 | 4350 | 9811 | 2394 |
7180 | Özel Okmeydani Hastanesi | | 2143 | 7348 | 9811 | 2394 |
223 | Children's Hospital at Westmead | | 2145 | 425 | 699 | 238 |
2460 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Roma 'G' | | 2146 | 4471 | 645 | 2394 |
6888 | North Okaloosa Medical Center | | 2146 | 6190 | 10913 | 2394 |
8765 | Summit Medical Center Van Buren Arkansas | | 2148 | 9512 | 10253 | 2394 |
1600 | Fakultní Nemocnice V Motole | | 2149 | 766 | 7956 | 1934 |
2080 | Peking University Sixth Hospital | | 2149 | 2139 | 2637 | 2394 |
2075 | (1) Carson Tahoe Regional Healthcare NV | | 2151 | 1935 | 3394 | 2394 |
1628 | Landeskrankenhaus Feldkirch | | 2152 | 2183 | 1328 | 1934 |
1647 | Health Examination Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University | | 2153 | 406 | 10253 | 2394 |
1961 | Ziekenhuis St Jansdal | | 2154 | 1662 | 3814 | 2394 |
669 | Fleury Medicina e Saúde | | 2155 | 1412 | 1370 | 420 |
2874 | Klinikum Emden Hans Susemihl Krankenhaus | | 2156 | 3904 | 2404 | 2394 |
1583 | Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel | | 2157 | 1837 | 2459 | 1815 |
1278 | Wills Eye Hospital | | 2158 | 1355 | 2778 | 1328 |
1494 | Sygehus Lillebaelt | | 2160 | 2366 | 2804 | 860 |
4498 | Klinicki Bolnicki Centar Zagreb | | 2161 | 3172 | 9811 | 2394 |
3373 | NHS Milton Keynes & Northamptonshire | | 2162 | 9112 | 1041 | 815 |
2936 | Jsc Sk Impeks Medical Diagnostics Centre | | 2163 | 2313 | 6757 | 2394 |
1393 | East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System | | 2164 | 1120 | 2338 | 2394 |
620 | Hospital Central de Asturias | | 2165 | 2577 | 279 | 241 |
2728 | Landseed International Medical Group/Li Shin Hospital | | 2166 | 4708 | 1024 | 2394 |
6047 | Szpital Wojewódzki W Opolu | | 2167 | 9085 | 3376 | 2394 |
1460 | Sin Lau Hospital The Presbyterian Church O Taiwan | | 2168 | 1166 | 2654 | 2394 |
990 | Unità Sanitaria Locale 7 di Siena | | 2169 | 2873 | 615 | 508 |
4799 | Wesley Medical Center in Hattiesburg Mississippi | | 2171 | 3318 | 10253 | 2394 |
4306 | Saraburi Hospital | | 2173 | 8565 | 541 | 2394 |
2779 | St Francis Health Center | | 2174 | 2427 | 5746 | 2394 |
4409 | Capital Medical University Beijing Chest Hospital | | 2175 | 6573 | 2932 | 2394 |
1242 | Sibley Memorial Hospital Washington DC | | 2176 | 1275 | 2762 | 1328 |
3073 | Liaoning Medical College Hospital | | 2177 | 4696 | 1811 | 2394 |
1664 | Mestska Nemocnice Ostrava | | 2178 | 1934 | 1186 | 2394 |
9520 | Dyersburg Regional Medical Center | | 2179 | 10283 | 10913 | 2394 |
2001 | Colorado Health & Hospital Association | | 2179 | 559 | 10913 | 2394 |
4005 | Siloam Hospitals Group | | 2181 | 3776 | 7210 | 2394 |
2203 | Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College | | 2182 | 1700 | 5164 | 2394 |
5279 | Trinity Medical Center AL | | 2183 | 4304 | 9811 | 2394 |
1488 | NHS West Sussex | | 2184 | 4025 | 316 | 972 |
4190 | General Hospital of Atticca | | 2185 | 7370 | 1295 | 2394 |
11381 | Hospital Port Dickson | | 2186 | 13407 | 8086 | 2394 |
972 | Metro Health | | 2187 | 1400 | 1212 | 1085 |
6218 | Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Research Foundation | | 2188 | 5540 | 10253 | 2394 |
8739 | Red Bud Regional Hospital | | 2188 | 9441 | 10253 | 2394 |
6568 | River Region Health System | | 2190 | 5694 | 10913 | 2394 |
4744 | Azienda Ospedaliera Sant' Antonio Abate di Gallarate | | 2191 | 6024 | 5071 | 2394 |
2169 | Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University (Zhenjiang City Riverside Hospital) | | 2191 | 3627 | 3797 | 972 |
5566 | White River Health System | | 2193 | 6632 | 6619 | 2394 |
5482 | Krankenhaus Bethanien für Die Grafschaft Moers | | 2194 | 3960 | 10913 | 2394 |
442 | Johns Hopkins Children's Center | | 2195 | 399 | 1234 | 801 |
7423 | Trabzon Kanuni Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi | | 2196 | 10629 | 4343 | 2394 |
3435 | Dr Abdurahman Yurtarslan Ankara Onkoloji Egitim Ve Arastirma Hastanesi | | 2197 | 7176 | 376 | 2394 |
5591 | Red Asistencial Juaneda | | 2198 | 4778 | 9811 | 2394 |
822 | Beijing Amcare Women's & Children's Hospital | | 2199 | 80 | 9504 | 2394 |
1554 | Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare | | 2200 | 1316 | 2561 | 2394 |
2795 | Putuo District Central Hospital | | 2201 | 2151 | 6677 | 2394 |
784 | Tan Tock Seng Hospital | | 2202 | 1163 | 881 | 931 |
6325 | Neurological Clinic | | 2203 | 4662 | 12104 | 2394 |
3838 | General Hospital Belmedic | | 2205 | 5043 | 3893 | 2394 |
3669 | Kasemrad Hospital | | 2206 | 5102 | 3185 | 2394 |
11631 | Dr Bills Clinic Inc. | | 2206 | 13188 | 9811 | 2394 |
6004 | New Vision Eye Clinic Shanghai | | 2208 | 4777 | 10913 | 2394 |
1893 | Tottori University Hospital | | 2209 | 2382 | 1254 | 2394 |
2965 | Hospital Kuala Lumpur | | 2211 | 3951 | 2586 | 2394 |
203 | University of California San Diego Medical Center | | 2212 | 132 | 1168 | 481 |
11856 | Burnham Medical Centre | | 2212 | 13780 | 7660 | 2394 |
2005 | Mercy Medical Center Sioux City | | 2215 | 2527 | 2382 | 1934 |
890 | Ankara Saglik Müdürlügü | | 2216 | 1071 | 573 | 1815 |
3984 | Xuzhou Central Hospital | | 2217 | 4227 | 6213 | 2394 |
4177 | Englewood Community Hospital | | 2218 | 3386 | 8481 | 2394 |
9850 | Siloam Springs Regional Hospital | | 2219 | 10703 | 10913 | 2394 |
2880 | North Kansas City Hospital | | 2220 | 2140 | 9504 | 1328 |
3642 | Vlietland Ziekenhuis | | 2221 | 4249 | 4915 | 2394 |
1825 | Anadolu Saglik Merkezi | | 2222 | 1064 | 6213 | 2394 |
2708 | Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton | | 2223 | 1861 | 7298 | 2394 |
6540 | St Charles Hospital | | 2224 | 7998 | 7133 | 2394 |
885 | Sanatorio Contratación | | 2225 | 788 | 472 | 2394 |
3760 | Shifa International Hospital | | 2226 | 5486 | 8843 | 729 |
2165 | Franciscus Ziekenhuis Roosendaal | | 2227 | 2496 | 2080 | 2394 |
10624 | Gangneung Dongin Hospital | | 2228 | 11259 | 12104 | 2394 |
6139 | King Abdulaziz University Hospital | | 2228 | 11494 | 381 | 2394 |
7095 | Trinity Hospital of Augusta | | 2231 | 6505 | 10913 | 2394 |
2862 | Specjalistyczne Centrum Medycznego W Polanicy Zdroju | | 2232 | 5141 | 877 | 2394 |
1885 | Azienda Ospedaliera Carlo Poma | | 2233 | 7218 | 294 | 529 |
3167 | Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital | | 2233 | 1804 | 9261 | 2394 |
1647 | St Vincent's Medical Center Bridgeport Connecticut | | 2235 | 1309 | 3307 | 2394 |
2874 | Yuan's General Hospital | | 2236 | 4372 | 1683 | 2394 |
5602 | Ethica Incirli Hastanesi | | 2236 | 7590 | 4747 | 2394 |
1921 | Medical Center of Aurora | | 2238 | 1685 | 3352 | 2394 |
2365 | Sacred Heart Hospital PA | | 2239 | 2266 | 3814 | 2394 |
7999 | Saisei Hospital | | 2240 | 7163 | 12104 | 2394 |
9199 | Heritage Medical Center | | 2241 | 9816 | 10913 | 2394 |