701 | 2374 | Azienda Ospedaliera della Provincia di Lodi |  | 4320 | 6235 | 440 | 860 |
702 | 2376 | Klinikgruppe Dr Guth |  | 1928 | 2391 | 3893 | 2394 |
703 | 2378 | Evangelische und Johanniter Krankenanstalt Duisburg |  | 4124 | 3712 | 2287 | 1157 |
704 | 2379 | St Marien Krankenhaus Siegen Gem & Gss Gesundheits Service Gem. |  | 1431 | 2620 | 3940 | 2394 |
705 | 2379 | Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint Lucas Brugge |  | 3118 | 2755 | 1837 | 2394 |
706 | 2379 | Hospital de Nens de Barcelona |  | 3482 | 2474 | 4365 | 1815 |
707 | 2383 | Grupo Jose de Mello Saúde |  | 6663 | 1773 | 5624 | 1328 |
708 | 2386 | (1) GZA Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen |  | 4021 | 1757 | 4291 | 2394 |
709 | 2392 | Regional General Hospital Evangelismos |  | 5533 | 4679 | 311 | 1815 |
710 | 2395 | Kliniken Landkreis Heidenheim |  | 4096 | 3495 | 1659 | 1815 |
711 | 2396 | South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3353 | 5391 | 511 | 1328 |
712 | 2396 | Institut Paoli Calmettes |  | 2019 | 2788 | 2714 | 2394 |
713 | 2400 | Stockport NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4301 | 4847 | 419 | 1815 |
714 | 2400 | Zaans Medisch Centrum |  | 1740 | 3424 | 1802 | 2394 |
715 | 2403 | Bradford Hospitals |  | 3318 | 2712 | 1881 | 2394 |
716 | 2405 | (1) Marienhaus Klinikum Bendorf Neuwied Waldbreitbach |  | 4234 | 2538 | 4442 | 1328 |
717 | 2409 | Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph |  | 6275 | 3327 | 1177 | 1815 |
718 | 2409 | Luisenhospital Aachen |  | 2523 | 3004 | 3097 | 1934 |
719 | 2412 | St Josefs Hospital Wiesbaden Orthopadische Klinik |  | 5201 | 3279 | 1594 | 1815 |
720 | 2415 | Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS |  | 1693 | 880 | 10913 | 2394 |
721 | 2415 | Ospedale San Martino Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino |  | 2915 | 2759 | 3352 | 1934 |
722 | 2423 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Lanusei |  | 812 | 6939 | 74 | 2394 |
723 | 2423 | Volkskliniek Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint Lucas/Campus Sint Lucas Volkskliniek Polikliniek Zelzate |  | 4186 | 2442 | 2059 | 2394 |
724 | 2428 | Groupe Oc Santé |  | 255 | 4626 | 2598 | 2394 |
725 | 2436 | Clinica di Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio di Modena |  | 7269 | 6831 | 1709 | 304 |
726 | 2436 | St Marien Hospital Duren |  | 5316 | 1664 | 4167 | 2394 |
727 | 2440 | Nemocnice Horovice |  | 381 | 4119 | 3115 | 2394 |
728 | 2453 | Tzaneio Hospital |  | 7944 | 7187 | 1664 | 255 |
729 | 2454 | Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4586 | 2626 | 1641 | 2394 |
730 | 2460 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Roma 'G' |  | 2146 | 4471 | 645 | 2394 |
731 | 2460 | Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust |  | 4675 | 4944 | 589 | 1328 |
732 | 2469 | Nordwest Krankenhaus Sanderbusch |  | 8038 | 3352 | 2348 | 972 |
733 | 2469 | Krajska Nemocnice Pardubice |  | 4682 | 2750 | 1469 | 2394 |
734 | 2478 | Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS |  | 4021 | 3834 | 544 | 2394 |
735 | 2481 | Clínica la Luz |  | 6831 | 2852 | 4213 | 972 |
736 | 2485 | Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 6617 | 4720 | 943 | 1085 |
737 | 2487 | Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Policlinico Vittorio Emanuele Catania |  | 2780 | 6228 | 99 | 1934 |
738 | 2495 | Ziekenhuis Amstelland |  | 3322 | 3339 | 1272 | 2394 |
739 | 2495 | Burgerspital Zum Hl Geist Wurzburg |  | 3114 | 2478 | 3097 | 2394 |
740 | 2495 | Neurologischen Klinik der Heinrich Heine Universität |  | 3821 | 5167 | 3715 | 582 |
741 | 2499 | Consorci Sanitari de L´Alt Penedes |  | 1524 | 7156 | 2674 | 539 |
742 | 2501 | Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo |  | 6384 | 2231 | 1920 | 2394 |
743 | 2504 | Bukh Berufsgen Unfallkrankenhaus Hamburg |  | 7984 | 1356 | 4824 | 2394 |
744 | 2508 | Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale di Lecco |  | 3722 | 4832 | 181 | 2394 |
745 | 2511 | Nemocnice Pisek |  | 5659 | 1919 | 3269 | 2394 |
746 | 2511 | Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Hope Hospital |  | 78 | 2904 | 12104 | 1085 |
747 | 2518 | Hospital de Braga |  | 1084 | 12256 | 1209 | 91 |
748 | 2519 | Hospital General Yagüe |  | 3338 | 4736 | 4250 | 691 |
749 | 2525 | Hospiten Grupo Hospitalario |  | 1761 | 2804 | 3715 | 2394 |
750 | 2530 | Azienda Ospedaliera S Maria di Terni |  | 6242 | 4454 | 710 | 1739 |
751 | 2533 | Instituto Marques |  | 5494 | 2668 | 2468 | 1934 |
752 | 2536 | (1) Euroeyes Klinikgruppe |  | 6546 | 1525 | 4682 | 2394 |
753 | 2536 | St Vincenz Krankenhaus Paderborn |  | 1930 | 3022 | 2976 | 2394 |
754 | 2538 | Bury Knowle Health Centre |  | 12411 | 1008 | 4464 | 2394 |
755 | 2542 | Azienda Unita Sanitaria Locale di Roma 'D' Regione Lazio |  | 3271 | 2886 | 2125 | 2394 |
756 | 2545 | Samodzielny Publiczny Szpital Kliniczny Nr 1 W Zabrzu |  | 3900 | 4196 | 464 | 2394 |
757 | 2549 | Clínicas Laservisión Clínica Oftalmológica Dr López Castro |  | 8394 | 662 | 9261 | 2394 |
758 | 2555 | General Hospital of Heraklion Regional University |  | 41 | 7094 | 1301 | 2394 |
759 | 2559 | (1) Stadtischen Kliniken Mönchengladbach |  | 5161 | 3150 | 1049 | 2394 |
760 | 2559 | University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS |  | 2319 | 3417 | 1893 | 2394 |
761 | 2564 | Orlickoústecká Nemocnice A.S. |  | 4474 | 3254 | 1149 | 2394 |
762 | 2570 | Krankenhaus Eberbach |  | 2429 | 2991 | 2684 | 2394 |
763 | 2571 | Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 27 | 3699 | 12104 | 972 |
764 | 2572 | Fundación para la Investigación Hospital la Fe |  | 3253 | 5496 | 332 | 1934 |
765 | 2572 | Krankenhaus St Joseph Stift Bremen |  | 5339 | 1986 | 3504 | 2394 |
766 | 2577 | Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Intensive Care |  | 8782 | 3868 | 4464 | 539 |
767 | 2579 | Oblastni Nemocnice Trutnov |  | 3356 | 2256 | 4007 | 2394 |
768 | 2579 | St Sophia Hospital in Warsaw |  | 5703 | 4157 | 979 | 1815 |
769 | 2585 | Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust |  | 5719 | 4163 | 1305 | 1328 |
770 | 2585 | Hospital Obispo Polanco Teruel |  | 4257 | 4691 | 2287 | 972 |
771 | 2592 | Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder München |  | 7015 | 4017 | 2103 | 972 |
772 | 2595 | Bovenij Ziekenhuis |  | 3717 | 2080 | 4392 | 2394 |
773 | 2599 | Mid Essex Hospital Services |  | 55 | 1831 | 12104 | 2394 |
774 | 2599 | Azienda Ospedale Piemonte |  | 2790 | 7815 | 462 | 753 |
775 | 2602 | Nemocnice Ve Frýdku Mistku P.O. |  | 2541 | 2170 | 5232 | 2394 |
776 | 2602 | Somerset Partnership NHS Trust |  | 6669 | 5109 | 865 | 1085 |
777 | 2612 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma A |  | 4260 | 5548 | 562 | 1328 |
778 | 2612 | Solent NHS Trust |  | 5063 | 4625 | 1538 | 1157 |
779 | 2615 | Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 7354 | 3524 | 1651 | 1328 |
780 | 2618 | Athens Medical Group |  | 6669 | 2124 | 2553 | 2394 |
781 | 2621 | Nemocnice S Poliklinikou Karvina Raj |  | 2310 | 2426 | 7039 | 1815 |
782 | 2621 | Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust |  | 4846 | 4173 | 926 | 1934 |
783 | 2627 | Evangelisches Krankenhaus Dusseldorf |  | 4700 | 2575 | 2364 | 2394 |
784 | 2630 | Kreiskliniken Reutlingen |  | 3088 | 2386 | 5597 | 1934 |
785 | 2637 | Univerzitná nemocnica Martin |  | 1320 | 9381 | 2 | 1934 |
786 | 2641 | Klinikum Memmingen |  | 2864 | 3895 | 3473 | 1328 |
787 | 2643 | Nemocnice V Semilech |  | 3382 | 2131 | 4747 | 2394 |
788 | 2643 | Centre Hospitalier Régional de La Citadelle |  | 3368 | 2947 | 2392 | 2394 |
789 | 2646 | Albertinen Gruppe |  | 1724 | 1095 | 12104 | 1934 |
790 | 2648 | Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital Research Institute |  | 5215 | 3915 | 539 | 2394 |
791 | 2648 | South Downs NHS Health Trust |  | 6608 | 4047 | 1317 | 1328 |
792 | 2650 | Centre de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona |  | 3987 | 3759 | 2841 | 1328 |
793 | 2650 | Nemocnica S Poliklinikou Zilina |  | 292 | 8340 | 84 | 2394 |
794 | 2658 | Herts&Essex Urology Clinic |  | 8752 | 1767 | 6167 | 1328 |
795 | 2658 | St Josef Hospital Troisdorf |  | 7032 | 918 | 8481 | 2394 |
796 | 2667 | American Hospital of Paris |  | 2832 | 1531 | 10253 | 1328 |
797 | 2667 | Detska Fakultna Nemocnica S Poliklinikou Banska Bystrica |  | 5607 | 4674 | 177 | 2394 |
798 | 2673 | Crewkerne Health Centre |  | 13070 | 1043 | 4654 | 2394 |
799 | 2673 | Thoraxklinik Heidelberg |  | 5853 | 2449 | 2314 | 2394 |
800 | 2678 | Flevoziekenhuis |  | 348 | 1642 | 10913 | 2394 |