701 | 1017 | Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust |  | 310 | 2438 | 682 | 1328 |
702 | 3606 | (1) Tallinn Children's Hospital - Tallinna Lastehaigla |  | 5286 | 4981 | 3778 | 1328 |
703 | 1869 | Lexum Ocní Klinika |  | 5379 | 1122 | 6677 | 1328 |
704 | 2585 | Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust |  | 5719 | 4163 | 1305 | 1328 |
705 | 3801 | Luzerner Psychiatrie |  | 8122 | 4186 | 4575 | 1328 |
706 | 2237 | Kliniken Maria Hilf |  | 2781 | 2685 | 4120 | 1328 |
707 | 3153 | Marien Hospital Dusseldorf Katholisches Krankenhaus |  | 4387 | 4600 | 3204 | 1328 |
708 | 2405 | (1) Marienhaus Klinikum Bendorf Neuwied Waldbreitbach |  | 4234 | 2538 | 4442 | 1328 |
709 | 8529 | Medisch Centrum St Jozef - Bilzen |  | 12787 | 10633 | 4093 | 1328 |
710 | 1178 | Centro Oncológico Mdanderson Internacional España |  | 2632 | 869 | 4007 | 1328 |
711 | 1693 | Medicana Hospital Group |  | 2065 | 2229 | 2831 | 1328 |
712 | 2733 | Klinika MEDOX |  | 1494 | 2686 | 8481 | 1328 |
713 | 614 | Mehilainen |  | 318 | 728 | 1881 | 1328 |
714 | 1006 | Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 6177 | 655 | 1962 | 1328 |
715 | 3915 | Musgrove Park Hospital |  | 4405 | 8072 | 733 | 1328 |
716 | 682 | Krajska Nemocnice Liberec Uvodni Stranka |  | 1099 | 1086 | 412 | 1328 |
717 | 2197 | Airedale NHS |  | 4248 | 4049 | 794 | 1328 |
718 | 2667 | American Hospital of Paris |  | 2832 | 1531 | 10253 | 1328 |
719 | 2297 | Adelaide and Meath Hospital National Children's Hospital |  | 5479 | 3120 | 1783 | 1328 |
720 | 13023 | AMQ Oftalmos |  | 10117 | 14016 | 8843 | 1328 |
721 | 1359 | Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo Polo Universitario |  | 2448 | 2849 | 257 | 1328 |
722 | 4190 | Ospedale Civico Palermo |  | 1171 | 11320 | 162 | 1328 |
723 | 1735 | Rigas Austrumu Kliniskas Universitates |  | 2092 | 3820 | 557 | 1328 |
724 | 2612 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma A |  | 4260 | 5548 | 562 | 1328 |
725 | 2075 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 4 di Enna |  | 3184 | 4887 | 319 | 1328 |
726 | 4090 | Atos Privatklinik München |  | 6885 | 5518 | 3550 | 1328 |
727 | 6422 | Barnet Primary Care Trust |  | 10794 | 9206 | 2161 | 1328 |
728 | 1060 | Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust |  | 726 | 1585 | 1901 | 1328 |
729 | 1128 | Bedford Hospital NHS Trust |  | 4320 | 1306 | 792 | 1328 |
730 | 1938 | Institut Bergonie Le Centre Regional de Lutte Contre Le Cancer de Bordeaux et Du Sud Ouest |  | 4403 | 3455 | 657 | 1328 |
731 | 3238 | Bethesda Krankenhaus Stuttgart |  | 6881 | 4818 | 1934 | 1328 |
732 | 1397 | Bethesda Basel Furs Leben Gut |  | 877 | 2502 | 1777 | 1328 |
733 | 172 | BMI Health Care |  | 635 | 34 | 1440 | 1328 |
734 | 8092 | Rab Psychiatric Hospital |  | 6822 | 10716 | 5873 | 1328 |
735 | 2976 | Bolnišnica Topolšica |  | 11046 | 2649 | 3307 | 1328 |
736 | 2216 | St Bonifatius Hospital |  | 4619 | 3056 | 1881 | 1328 |
737 | 6284 | Regional Hospital N Burdenko Penza Regional Clinical Hospital N Burdenko |  | 6751 | 8811 | 4442 | 1328 |
738 | 4074 | Calderstones NHS Trust |  | 1461 | 8037 | 2976 | 1328 |
739 | 8599 | Cancer Centre London Wimbledon |  | 8075 | 11245 | 5488 | 1328 |
740 | 1902 | Caritas Krankenhaus St Josef |  | 4721 | 2093 | 2496 | 1328 |
741 | 3802 | Sec Udp Rf Central Clinical Hospital |  | 5372 | 4642 | 5127 | 1328 |
742 | 3561 | Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament Dr Victor Babes |  | 5082 | 4369 | 5019 | 1328 |
743 | 3431 | Centre Oscar Lambret |  | 5988 | 5009 | 2575 | 1328 |
744 | 6036 | Centrum Pediatrii im Jana Pawła II w Sosnowcu |  | 6706 | 10380 | 1132 | 1328 |
745 | 5016 | Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar |  | 8262 | 5426 | 6213 | 1328 |
746 | 2762 | Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens |  | 4636 | 5278 | 1015 | 1328 |
747 | 4297 | Centre Hospitalier de Roubaix |  | 7402 | 5400 | 4291 | 1328 |
748 | 1098 | Centre Hospitalier Sainte Anne Hopital de Paris Psychiatrie Neurologie Neurochirurgie |  | 210 | 1772 | 3073 | 1328 |
749 | 613 | Hopital de La Chaux de Fonds |  | 1711 | 797 | 306 | 1328 |
750 | 941 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brugmann |  | 608 | 1715 | 884 | 1328 |
751 | 8241 | Alka Radyolojik Tani Merkezi |  | 9104 | 8954 | 8651 | 1739 |
752 | 1403 | Vkv Amerikan Hastanesi |  | 5504 | 877 | 4167 | 1739 |
753 | 1233 | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese Complesso Ospedaliero di Rilievo Nazionale e di Alta Especializzazione Policlinico Santa Maria Alle Scotte |  | 898 | 3261 | 251 | 1739 |
754 | 2530 | Azienda Ospedaliera S Maria di Terni |  | 6242 | 4454 | 710 | 1739 |
755 | 1831 | Azienda Ospedaliera della Valtellina e della Valchiavenna |  | 3932 | 5209 | 20 | 1739 |
756 | 4914 | Universitäts Augenklinik Wurzburg |  | 8802 | 5212 | 5838 | 1739 |
757 | 3954 | Service de Cardiologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Besançon |  | 4624 | 5041 | 5202 | 1739 |
758 | 10177 | Centre Hospitalier Bourran de Rodez |  | 9410 | 12747 | 5019 | 1739 |
759 | 7480 | Centre Hospitalier Specialise Lierneux |  | 7744 | 10519 | 3850 | 1739 |
760 | 6739 | Specialized Hospital Santa Sofia |  | 7654 | 9978 | 2841 | 1739 |
761 | 1264 | Deutsche Herzzentrum Berlin |  | 2736 | 1175 | 2976 | 1739 |
762 | 1689 | Frederiksberg Hospital |  | 1675 | 3196 | 1232 | 1739 |
763 | 10335 | Clinique Nollet Institut de l'Appareil Locomoteur |  | 14762 | 7808 | 12104 | 1739 |
764 | 13359 | Aarhus University Hospital Department of Experimental Clinical Oncology |  | 7654 | 14608 | 4007 | 1739 |
765 | 945 | Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza |  | 397 | 1686 | 1174 | 1739 |
766 | 1984 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Antonio Cardarelli |  | 5830 | 3159 | 652 | 1739 |
767 | 6665 | Clinica Pediatrica Università di Trieste Irccs Burlo Garofolo |  | 10606 | 8782 | 3586 | 1739 |
768 | 11889 | Pedijatrijske klinike KCU Sarajevo |  | 9961 | 13919 | 4771 | 1739 |
769 | 9351 | Policlínica Lacibis |  | 8007 | 12820 | 2831 | 1739 |
770 | 3035 | Klinikum Burgenlandkreis |  | 2109 | 5398 | 2922 | 1739 |
771 | 818 | Kantonsspital Winterthur Ksw |  | 963 | 1335 | 677 | 1739 |
772 | 4622 | Univesitätsspital Basel Departement Anästhesie |  | 6804 | 3843 | 8481 | 1739 |
773 | 4069 | Diagnosticke Centrum Mediscan |  | 10749 | 3901 | 4715 | 1739 |
774 | 9026 | Universitätsklinikum Würzburg Medizin I |  | 5659 | 12878 | 2748 | 1739 |
775 | 12193 | Klinika Nefrologie 1 Lekařska Fakulta Univerzity Karlovy |  | 4735 | 13768 | 9504 | 1739 |
776 | 5176 | Spitex Verband Kanton St Gallen |  | 6831 | 9511 | 695 | 1739 |
777 | 7064 | First Department of Surgery National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School Laiko General Hospital |  | 3102 | 7474 | 10913 | 1739 |
778 | 8234 | Wellington Hospital Liver Transplantation Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Unit |  | 12303 | 10475 | 3797 | 1739 |
779 | 1050 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale 12 di Viareggio |  | 1079 | 3109 | 45 | 1739 |
780 | 3199 | Vasa Sjukvårdsdistrikt Vaasa Hospital District |  | 3210 | 5113 | 3171 | 1739 |
781 | 1776 | Instytut Matki i Dziecka |  | 5023 | 1884 | 2226 | 1739 |
782 | 3305 | Tyumen Cardiology Center Branch of Institute of Cardiology Tomsk Scientific Center |  | 3755 | 4244 | 5051 | 1739 |
783 | 802 | Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo |  | 1542 | 558 | 3748 | 1739 |
784 | 5318 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin Universitätspital Bern |  | 7277 | 8256 | 2080 | 1739 |
785 | 3412 | Országos Kardiológiai Intézet National Institute of Cardiology |  | 7878 | 5774 | 943 | 1739 |
786 | 2280 | Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe Medizinische Klinik |  | 4556 | 2134 | 4041 | 1815 |
787 | 2379 | Hospital de Nens de Barcelona |  | 3482 | 2474 | 4365 | 1815 |
788 | 2409 | Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph |  | 6275 | 3327 | 1177 | 1815 |
789 | 106 | Johanniter Krankenhaus |  | 191 | 28 | 331 | 1815 |
790 | 2412 | St Josefs Hospital Wiesbaden Orthopadische Klinik |  | 5201 | 3279 | 1594 | 1815 |
791 | 7874 | Klinik für Kardiologie Oldenburg |  | 5653 | 10670 | 5232 | 1815 |
792 | 2621 | Nemocnice S Poliklinikou Karvina Raj |  | 2310 | 2426 | 7039 | 1815 |
793 | 3660 | Psychiatrie Baselland PBL (Kantonale Psychiatrische Dienste) |  | 7814 | 5035 | 1962 | 1815 |
794 | 1068 | Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3479 | 1420 | 384 | 1815 |
795 | 1948 | Royal Free Hospital NHS |  | 2623 | 699 | 10913 | 1815 |
796 | 2991 | Royal Surrey County Hospital |  | 2946 | 2059 | 9055 | 1815 |
797 | 4732 | Aeskulap Klinik |  | 6874 | 5027 | 5959 | 1815 |
798 | 1862 | Ospedale Civile di Legnano |  | 1116 | 5339 | 271 | 1815 |
799 | 890 | Ankara Saglik Müdürlügü |  | 2216 | 1071 | 573 | 1815 |
800 | 903 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Parma |  | 222 | 1539 | 1372 | 1815 |