201 | 1873 | Fundació Puigvert Clínica Uro Nefro Andrológica |  | 5981 | 3137 | 4007 | 470 |
202 | 630 | Glostrup Hospital |  | 985 | 1833 | 667 | 472 |
203 | 1676 | IRCH - International Center For Reproductive Health |  | 4963 | 3059 | 3409 | 473 |
204 | 1291 | Beaumont Hospital |  | 5267 | 2309 | 2050 | 473 |
205 | 1017 | Northern Health and Social Care Trust |  | 3727 | 2657 | 561 | 473 |
206 | 749 | Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 951 | 1471 | 3029 | 483 |
207 | 670 | Martin-Luther-Krankenhaus-Betriebs-GmbH Berlin |  | 1351 | 1183 | 2544 | 483 |
208 | 1785 | Psychiatricka Nemocnica Philippa Pinela |  | 3594 | 7011 | 138 | 483 |
209 | 2049 | Psychiatrische Privatklinik Sanatorium Kilchberg |  | 3663 | 5153 | 2303 | 483 |
210 | 1288 | Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt |  | 4480 | 2487 | 1843 | 483 |
211 | 614 | Sandwell And West Birmingham Hospital Swbh NHS |  | 118 | 2331 | 1003 | 483 |
212 | 936 | South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |  | 2094 | 2615 | 620 | 492 |
213 | 318 | (1) Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1077 | 706 | 247 | 492 |
214 | 12599 | Idytur Instituto de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Urológico Clínica Santa Elena |  | 6347 | 14667 | 3115 | 497 |
215 | 1606 | Dolnoslaskie Centrum Onkologii |  | 3826 | 5785 | 238 | 498 |
216 | 812 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Piacenza |  | 1961 | 2470 | 335 | 504 |
217 | 412 | Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Niguarda Ca'Granda |  | 1704 | 1092 | 98 | 507 |
218 | 472 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Viterbo |  | 1413 | 1746 | 27 | 508 |
219 | 990 | Unità Sanitaria Locale 7 di Siena |  | 2169 | 2873 | 615 | 508 |
220 | 122 | Rhön-Klinikum AG |  | 577 | 93 | 660 | 510 |
221 | 459 | Azienda Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria 9 di Treviso |  | 938 | 1436 | 205 | 513 |
222 | 786 | Pohjois Pohjanmaan Sairaanhoitopiiri Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District |  | 4457 | 2017 | 134 | 513 |
223 | 741 | Sørlandet Sykehus Hf |  | 2020 | 2315 | 175 | 518 |
224 | 212 | Academisch Medisch Centrum & Emma Kinderziekenhuis AMC Universiteit van Amsterdam |  | 657 | 168 | 2625 | 526 |
225 | 1559 | Institut Ferran de Reumatología |  | 9389 | 2011 | 2570 | 526 |
226 | 6346 | Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Henri Mondor Service de Réanimation Médicale |  | 8229 | 11475 | 2804 | 528 |
227 | 1305 | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico Paolo Giaccone Palermo |  | 3803 | 4332 | 233 | 529 |
228 | 1885 | Azienda Ospedaliera Carlo Poma |  | 2233 | 7218 | 294 | 529 |
229 | 796 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest |  | 1668 | 1846 | 1013 | 529 |
230 | 449 | Soutwest Finland Hospitals |  | 922 | 1153 | 417 | 529 |
231 | 2577 | Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Intensive Care |  | 8782 | 3868 | 4464 | 539 |
232 | 1049 | Azienda Per I Servizi Sanitari nº 6 Friuli Occidentale |  | 1315 | 3793 | 432 | 539 |
233 | 225 | Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa |  | 874 | 379 | 358 | 539 |
234 | 2499 | Consorci Sanitari de L´Alt Penedes |  | 1524 | 7156 | 2674 | 539 |
235 | 8902 | Interuniversity Health Physics Centre |  | 9981 | 13021 | 4464 | 545 |
236 | 1731 | Regional Hospital of Randers and Grenaa |  | 3301 | 5189 | 822 | 549 |
237 | 1199 | Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust |  | 3910 | 2858 | 698 | 549 |
238 | 380 | Clínica Universitaria de Navarra |  | 436 | 571 | 2143 | 549 |
239 | 555 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 11 Empoli |  | 197 | 2638 | 106 | 557 |
240 | 892 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 2 di Lucca |  | 1759 | 2819 | 265 | 557 |
241 | 825 | Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 558 | 3890 | 118 | 557 |
242 | 2001 | Krankenhaus Rummelsberg |  | 4401 | 4451 | 2207 | 557 |
243 | 581 | Herlev Hospital |  | 1097 | 1586 | 408 | 565 |
244 | 711 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice |  | 1688 | 1802 | 464 | 565 |
245 | 1228 | Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust |  | 5750 | 3435 | 142 | 565 |
246 | 415 | Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 1781 | 736 | 461 | 565 |
247 | 620 | Wielkopolskie Centrum Onkologii |  | 1132 | 2342 | 59 | 577 |
248 | 2495 | Neurologischen Klinik der Heinrich Heine Universität |  | 3821 | 5167 | 3715 | 582 |
249 | 5545 | LaserFocus Centar za mikrohirurgiju oka |  | 9943 | 8750 | 4991 | 583 |
250 | 228 | Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Lille |  | 5 | 832 | 648 | 583 |
251 | 1108 | St Helens & Knowsley NHS Trust |  | 2936 | 3052 | 421 | 583 |
252 | 1280 | Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie |  | 3162 | 2805 | 1280 | 589 |
253 | 309 | Universitatsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein |  | 587 | 670 | 282 | 589 |
254 | 537 | Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3312 | 1038 | 196 | 589 |
255 | 5865 | Hospital de San Louis Lisboa |  | 5331 | 9414 | 7133 | 589 |
256 | 1994 | Dzieciecy Szpital Kliniczny Im Prof Antoniego Gebali W Lublinie |  | 4193 | 6728 | 207 | 596 |
257 | 791 | Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Federico II |  | 1102 | 2599 | 300 | 598 |
258 | 626 | Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital NHS Trust |  | 273 | 2561 | 216 | 598 |
259 | 4187 | Boc Oncology Centre |  | 6944 | 9557 | 1144 | 598 |
260 | 4218 | CGC Genetics / Centro de Genética Clínica |  | 4211 | 9369 | 2429 | 598 |
261 | 1397 | Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3972 | 3519 | 634 | 613 |
262 | 4428 | Curatio Medical Group & International Foundation |  | 5272 | 8566 | 3832 | 613 |
263 | 1494 | Dumfries and Galloway NHS |  | 5622 | 3111 | 933 | 613 |
264 | 688 | Topklinisch Ziekenhuis Medisch Spectrum Twente |  | 1074 | 1247 | 1863 | 625 |
265 | 1929 | Herz Zentrum Bad Krozingen |  | 5554 | 2885 | 3765 | 630 |
266 | 1055 | Clínica Baviera Instituto Oftalmológico Europeo |  | 3415 | 1604 | 1937 | 634 |
267 | 3105 | Uniklinik Köln - Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe der Universität Zu Köln |  | 5640 | 6459 | 2474 | 634 |
268 | 1374 | Fakultní Thomayerova Nemocnice S Poliklinikou |  | 1496 | 1244 | 9055 | 634 |
269 | 1011 | Helse Nord Trøndelag |  | 1459 | 3754 | 156 | 634 |
270 | 2585 | Institut Za Zdravstvenu Zastitu Majke i Deteta Srbije Dr Vukan Eupia |  | 4693 | 6780 | 960 | 634 |
271 | 1613 | Peterborough and Stamford NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3630 | 4156 | 867 | 634 |
272 | 545 | Hôpital a Bruxelles Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc Universite Catholique de Louvain |  | 2133 | 845 | 803 | 634 |
273 | 636 | Krajská zdravotní a.s Nemocnice Ústeckého Kraje |  | 1848 | 1367 | 451 | 634 |
274 | 739 | Akershus Universitetssykehus Hf |  | 1643 | 1770 | 482 | 634 |
275 | 603 | Chelsea and Westminster Hospital |  | 2004 | 1149 | 549 | 634 |
276 | 2156 | Regional Hospital Horsens and Brædstrup and Odder |  | 3792 | 5610 | 1124 | 661 |
277 | 257 | L’Istituto Nazionale Neurologico “Carlo Besta |  | 1106 | 338 | 411 | 661 |
278 | 6835 | Sitenko Institute of Spine and Joints Pathology |  | 11325 | 7907 | 9055 | 661 |
279 | 522 | University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3105 | 819 | 345 | 661 |
280 | 1191 | NHS Ayrshire & Arran |  | 3580 | 3546 | 133 | 661 |
281 | 430 | NHS Grampian |  | 1914 | 941 | 71 | 661 |
282 | 1233 | Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust |  | 2781 | 2883 | 824 | 661 |
283 | 564 | Royal Liverpool University Hospital |  | 295 | 1552 | 765 | 661 |
284 | 6299 | Adelaide Hospital Society |  | 7822 | 10056 | 5232 | 661 |
285 | 1042 | Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Irccs Burlo Garofolo di Trieste |  | 3544 | 2705 | 227 | 677 |
286 | 948 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale n° 2 Savonese |  | 2983 | 2682 | 120 | 679 |
287 | 2785 | Opća Bolnica Sveti Duh |  | 5764 | 5401 | 2945 | 679 |
288 | 808 | Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 2759 | 1633 | 520 | 679 |
289 | 2744 | Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Targu-Mures |  | 7116 | 6480 | 903 | 686 |
290 | 2519 | Hospital General Yagüe |  | 3338 | 4736 | 4250 | 691 |
291 | 7222 | Instituto de Oftalmología la Arruzafa Clínica la Arruzafa |  | 8515 | 10362 | 6826 | 694 |
292 | 741 | Klinikum Augsburg |  | 1999 | 1443 | 703 | 694 |
293 | 1050 | Policlinico di Modena Servizio Sanitario Regionale Emilia Romagna Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Modena |  | 2809 | 2785 | 266 | 694 |
294 | 701 | Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS |  | 1325 | 1230 | 1346 | 701 |
295 | 3153 | Grup Assistencial Institut Pere Mata |  | 4094 | 5730 | 4575 | 701 |
296 | 1809 | Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios Provincia Bética |  | 4674 | 2420 | 4232 | 701 |
297 | 1574 | HPG23 Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo |  | 2256 | 5126 | 349 | 701 |
298 | 524 | (1) Fondazione San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Milano |  | 1341 | 901 | 665 | 701 |
299 | 2187 | Klinicka Bolnica Dubrava |  | 5218 | 3977 | 2465 | 701 |
300 | 2354 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Desenzano del Garda |  | 1265 | 9289 | 141 | 701 |