4656 | Higashihiroshima Medical Center National Hospital Organization |  | 7995 | 5836 | 1599 | 2394 |
3143 | Hoshi General Hospital Foundation |  | 4730 | 4021 | 1599 | 2394 |
234 | University of Pennsylvania Health System |  | 532 | 131 | 1599 | 1085 |
768 | Saint Francis Health System |  | 224 | 1182 | 1599 | 1815 |
5746 | West Branch Regional Medical Center |  | 6402 | 8092 | 1599 | 2394 |
1965 | Montfort Hospital |  | 3348 | 2021 | 1606 | 2394 |
1391 | Chiba University Hospital |  | 4638 | 1465 | 1607 | 1328 |
2592 | Chosun University Hospital |  | 1048 | 4687 | 1607 | 2394 |
3962 | Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust |  | 8122 | 7019 | 1607 | 972 |
3568 | Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital |  | 1311 | 7333 | 1607 | 1934 |
697 | Hospital Ramón Sarda Fundación Epson |  | 3840 | 4937 | 1607 | 21 |
1650 | Spital Bulach |  | 184 | 3151 | 1607 | 2394 |
6637 | Clinicii I Chirurgie de La Spitalul Universitar Sf Spiridon Iasi |  | 9648 | 8771 | 1607 | 2394 |
5058 | Ogaki Municipal Hospital |  | 6384 | 6926 | 1614 | 2394 |
637 | Vivantes Kliniken am Urban und im Friedricheshain |  | 1954 | 491 | 1614 | 1328 |
4220 | Sasebo City General Hospital |  | 6874 | 5454 | 1614 | 2394 |
2469 | Ten Chen Medical Group |  | 495 | 4946 | 1617 | 2394 |
7981 | Szpital Powiatowy Im Dr Tytusa Chalubinskiego W Zakopanem |  | 10310 | 10509 | 1618 | 2394 |
6330 | Tsyr Huey Mental Hospital |  | 4171 | 9767 | 1618 | 2394 |
936 | Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital |  | 1934 | 1151 | 1618 | 1145 |
1363 | Vachira Phuket Hospital |  | 73 | 3200 | 1621 | 1934 |
5735 | (1) Almonte General Hospital Fairview Manor |  | 9922 | 7121 | 1621 | 2394 |
3355 | Quinte Health Care |  | 6130 | 4062 | 1623 | 2394 |
5638 | National Fukuoka Higashi Medical Center |  | 9752 | 7002 | 1623 | 2394 |
1435 | Englewood Hospital and Medical Center |  | 4547 | 1279 | 1625 | 1934 |
1166 | Fortis Healthcare |  | 2957 | 790 | 1625 | 2394 |
2884 | Nishi Niigata Chuo National Hospital |  | 5568 | 3881 | 1625 | 1934 |
1304 | Kinderspital Zurich University Children's Hospital Zurich |  | 4428 | 1488 | 1628 | 1157 |
3111 | Glacial Ridge Health System |  | 4352 | 4059 | 1628 | 2394 |
2293 | Credit Valley Hospital |  | 7384 | 1880 | 1630 | 2394 |
1223 | Maoming City People's Hospital |  | 1439 | 1430 | 1630 | 1934 |
2156 | Sanatorio Allende |  | 2955 | 6795 | 1633 | 394 |
1583 | South Shore Hospital in Weymouth Massachusetts |  | 1347 | 1869 | 1633 | 2394 |
4108 | Loyal Wan Towm Medical Group |  | 5309 | 5675 | 1633 | 2394 |
1970 | Nemocnice Nove Mesto na Morave |  | 2814 | 2138 | 1636 | 2394 |
1844 | Aso Iizuka Hospital |  | 2896 | 2820 | 1637 | 1328 |
9594 | Szpital W Sremie |  | 7723 | 12710 | 1637 | 2394 |
3104 | Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital |  | 6390 | 3453 | 1637 | 2394 |
437 | Median Kliniken |  | 1487 | 925 | 1640 | 290 |
1540 | Zentrum für Psychiatrie |  | 1479 | 1735 | 1641 | 2394 |
6090 | Szpital Miejski W Siemianowicach Slaskich |  | 3329 | 9668 | 1641 | 2394 |
2454 | Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4586 | 2626 | 1641 | 2394 |
434 | Geisinger Medical System |  | 1478 | 401 | 1644 | 801 |
10080 | Instituto de Neurocirugía Dr A Asenjo |  | 6436 | 13223 | 1645 | 2394 |
1378 | Centegra Health System |  | 2479 | 1216 | 1645 | 2394 |
787 | Second Hospital of Lanzhou University |  | 1310 | 666 | 1645 | 1934 |
1227 | National Cancer Centre Singapore |  | 5908 | 2008 | 1645 | 513 |
7163 | Szpital Ogolny W Kolnie |  | 5218 | 10588 | 1645 | 2394 |
5898 | Wojewódzki Szpital Psychiatryczny W Gdañsku |  | 2671 | 9651 | 1645 | 2394 |
2615 | Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 7354 | 3524 | 1651 | 1328 |
3695 | Northern Health at Epping |  | 6798 | 4482 | 1652 | 2394 |
3521 | REGIOMED Kliniken |  | 2903 | 5444 | 1652 | 2394 |
4074 | Srisangworn Sukhothai Hospital |  | 61 | 9898 | 1652 | 2394 |
3488 | Daido Hospital |  | 4217 | 4861 | 1652 | 2394 |
693 | Isala Klinieken |  | 1968 | 760 | 1652 | 931 |
6426 | Hospital Pablo VI Bosa E.S.E. |  | 1377 | 11134 | 1657 | 2394 |
159 | National Jewish Medical and Research Center |  | 1748 | 105 | 1657 | 335 |
2395 | Kliniken Landkreis Heidenheim |  | 4096 | 3495 | 1659 | 1815 |
2089 | National Hospital Organization Nagoya Medical Center |  | 7006 | 2440 | 1659 | 1328 |
1062 | Sydney Children's Hospital |  | 3596 | 1281 | 1659 | 972 |
2083 | (1) Elitaer (Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen In Linz) |  | 4742 | 1939 | 1659 | 2394 |
2704 | Ehime University Hospital |  | 6063 | 2786 | 1659 | 2394 |
2453 | Tzaneio Hospital |  | 7944 | 7187 | 1664 | 255 |
1518 | Salem Health |  | 1901 | 2552 | 1664 | 1157 |
1586 | Clinical College Henan University Huaihe Hospital |  | 1570 | 1777 | 1666 | 2394 |
145 | Grupo Médica Sur |  | 24 | 953 | 1666 | 72 |
2940 | Antelope Valley Hospital |  | 6402 | 3113 | 1666 | 2394 |
1085 | St Anthony's Health Care |  | 1276 | 959 | 1666 | 2394 |
3056 | Hochtaunus Kliniken Klinik Bad Homburg V.D Höhe |  | 6214 | 3361 | 1670 | 2394 |
470 | Covenant Health Knoxville TN |  | 374 | 464 | 1670 | 1328 |
616 | Institut de Cancerologie Gustave Roussy |  | 1402 | 1567 | 1672 | 331 |
5281 | Pojen General Hospital |  | 3939 | 8044 | 1673 | 2394 |
4237 | Jahn Ferenc Dél-Pesti Kórház |  | 10842 | 4447 | 1673 | 2394 |
4280 | Medical Center Maichin Dom |  | 4933 | 6050 | 1673 | 2394 |
2641 | Toyota Memorial Hospital |  | 3501 | 3302 | 1676 | 2394 |
395 | Baskent Universitesi Adana Hastanesi |  | 1026 | 387 | 1676 | 846 |
5016 | Hospital Pakar Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru |  | 4466 | 8174 | 1678 | 1934 |
471 | Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 668 | 245 | 1679 | 2394 |
3111 | Lamp Community Health Centre |  | 4086 | 4096 | 1679 | 2394 |
497 | Phyathai Sriracha General Hospital |  | 819 | 254 | 1681 | 2394 |
1235 | Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island |  | 2025 | 1005 | 1681 | 2394 |
2874 | Yuan's General Hospital |  | 2236 | 4372 | 1683 | 2394 |
3325 | Tohoku Rosai Hospital |  | 6440 | 3836 | 1684 | 2394 |
4230 | Singhealth Polyclinics |  | 5932 | 5666 | 1684 | 2394 |
508 | Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu |  | 756 | 468 | 1686 | 1289 |
2539 | Salina Regional Health Center |  | 5847 | 2508 | 1686 | 2394 |
3214 | Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo |  | 3422 | 5245 | 1686 | 1934 |
3143 | Nerima General Hospital |  | 4148 | 4145 | 1689 | 2394 |
1068 | ThedaCare |  | 1361 | 906 | 1689 | 2394 |
5950 | Tainan Hospital |  | 3741 | 9242 | 1691 | 2394 |
1437 | Southern Tohoku Research Institute for Neuroscience Southern Tohoku General Hospital |  | 2001 | 1399 | 1691 | 2394 |
1374 | Universitären Psychiatrischen Kliniken Basel |  | 7315 | 2714 | 1693 | 382 |
1686 | Whittington Hospital NHS |  | 1669 | 1957 | 1693 | 2394 |
4724 | Szpital Wojewódzki Spzoz W Zielonej Górze |  | 5276 | 6617 | 1695 | 2394 |
9400 | Shariati Hospital |  | 2322 | 13346 | 1695 | 2394 |
4668 | Hotel Dieu de Levis |  | 7531 | 6609 | 1695 | 1934 |
1748 | Krankenhaus Dresden Friedrichstadt |  | 3229 | 2457 | 1695 | 1328 |
2172 | Klinikum Mittelbaden |  | 3372 | 2345 | 1695 | 2394 |
716 | Burke Rehabilitation Hospital |  | 4141 | 1589 | 1700 | 247 |
3275 | National Kyushu Cancer Center |  | 5494 | 3996 | 1700 | 2394 |