2678 | Hachinoe City Hospital | | 1152 | 4606 | 1863 | 2394 |
7408 | Haibara General Hospital | | 7303 | 5203 | 10913 | 2394 |
2843 | Hospital Hakodate Hokkaido | | 4048 | 4026 | 1124 | 2394 |
9488 | Heshan City People's Hospital | | 4656 | 8594 | 12104 | 2394 |
9781 | Harbin Engineering University Hospital | | 3205 | 9625 | 12104 | 2394 |
11597 | Huazhong University of Science & Technology Hospital | | 11506 | 12981 | 5518 | 2394 |
6659 | Inagi Municipal Hospital | | 7291 | 5083 | 9261 | 2394 |
5098 | Kasai City Hospital | | 7075 | 5640 | 3519 | 2394 |
6139 | King Abdulaziz University Hospital | | 2228 | 11494 | 381 | 2394 |
8796 | Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital | | 3724 | 10346 | 7755 | 2394 |
9694 | Maizuru Municipal Hospital | | 12841 | 10152 | 6113 | 2394 |
3026 | Nagano Municipal Hospital | | 3785 | 4190 | 1474 | 2394 |
7095 | Beijing Electric Power Hospital | | 2676 | 7727 | 8651 | 2394 |
4703 | Saga Medical School Hospital | | 6323 | 6031 | 1974 | 2394 |
4220 | Sasebo City General Hospital | | 6874 | 5454 | 1614 | 2394 |
11595 | Shirataka Town Hospital Shirataka | | 10382 | 10710 | 12104 | 2394 |
4472 | Tottori Municipal Hospital | | 4880 | 4988 | 4093 | 2394 |
1680 | University Of Illinois Hospital & Health Science System | | 1951 | 1596 | 2474 | 2394 |
10057 | China Science and Technology University Hospital | | 4782 | 12374 | 5709 | 2394 |
1728 | Xiamen University Hospital | | 1000 | 993 | 7755 | 2394 |
3223 | Yao Municipal Hospital | | 3694 | 5340 | 846 | 2394 |
6797 | City Clinical Hospital nr 1 in Togliatti | | 4942 | 5772 | 9504 | 2394 |
10890 | Centro Hospitalar Albert Sabin | | 13070 | 8650 | 12104 | 2394 |
2020 | Da S/A Hospital Aliança | | 1512 | 1109 | 8217 | 2394 |
8332 | Hospital Anchieta | | 2501 | 9936 | 8217 | 2394 |
11002 | Hospital e Maternidade Assunção | | 10978 | 11402 | 8481 | 2394 |
1864 | Hospital Universitario Austral | | 2584 | 1372 | 4270 | 2394 |
9624 | Hospital Balbino | | 6587 | 11671 | 5399 | 2394 |
7667 | Hospital de Basurto Basurtuko Ospitalea | | 14821 | 5737 | 5624 | 2394 |
7851 | Hospital Beata María Ana | | 6608 | 8961 | 6113 | 2394 |
10576 | Hospital Belo Horizonte | | 5378 | 10692 | 10913 | 2394 |
11829 | (1) Hospital Bernardette | | 10020 | 11697 | 10913 | 2394 |
8312 | Hospital e Maternidade Brasil | | 11175 | 7154 | 8319 | 2394 |
11127 | Hospital Brasilia | | 12594 | 10264 | 10253 | 2394 |
6325 | (1) Hospital Británico | | 5050 | 8084 | 3925 | 2394 |
8722 | Hospital Carlos Van Buren | | 4169 | 12294 | 2090 | 2394 |
10205 | CHIP Complejo Hospitalario Integral Privado | | 8530 | 8691 | 12104 | 2394 |
10615 | Florida Hospital Church | | 6936 | 10385 | 10913 | 2394 |
7589 | (1) Hospital Cima San José | | 6905 | 6453 | 9504 | 2394 |
11248 | Hospitalcity | | 11701 | 10368 | 10913 | 2394 |
885 | Hospital Clinic de Barcelona | | 849 | 508 | 3850 | 2394 |
9999 | Hospital Clínico Viña del Mar | | 2832 | 10992 | 10253 | 2394 |
10661 | Hospital Cruz Roja Española de Gijón | | 12269 | 11915 | 5202 | 2394 |
6734 | Hospital da Arrabida | | 4784 | 7741 | 6113 | 2394 |
5730 | Hospital da Baleia | | 3995 | 7458 | 3814 | 2394 |
2691 | Hospital da Luz | | 2089 | 3438 | 2598 | 2394 |
11715 | Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Velho Rondonia | | 10262 | 10963 | 12104 | 2394 |
6617 | Hospital da Trofa | | 10067 | 7532 | 3241 | 2394 |
11400 | Hospital de Avila | | 1062 | 12766 | 12104 | 2394 |
8049 | Hospital de Base São Jose do Rio Preto | | 6141 | 9552 | 5789 | 2394 |
11829 | Hospital de Caridade Irmandade Senhor Jesus dos Passos | | 15468 | 9130 | 10253 | 2394 |
7605 | Hospital de Clínicas | | 8082 | 6517 | 9055 | 2394 |
7200 | Fundación Hospital de Jove | | 6067 | 9173 | 3940 | 2394 |
8775 | Hospital Universitario Ntra Sra de la Candelaria | | 14968 | 5593 | 8319 | 2394 |
9416 | Fundación Hospital Oftalmológico Nuestra Señora de la Luz I.A.P. | | 8844 | 10314 | 7039 | 2394 |
10062 | Hospital Delfos | | 4645 | 11982 | 7039 | 2394 |
9396 | Hospital de Linares | | 4786 | 12742 | 2244 | 2394 |
9605 | Hospital del Oriente de Asturias Fundación Francisco Grande Covian | | 8456 | 12142 | 2912 | 2394 |
11027 | E.S.E Hospital del Sur Gabriel Jaramillo Piedrahita | | 810 | 12879 | 10913 | 2394 |
10756 | Hospital del Valle | | 9720 | 13026 | 2797 | 2394 |
10066 | Hospital de Molina | | 14607 | 9690 | 6013 | 2394 |
11808 | Hospital de Olhos de Cascavel | | 4332 | 12238 | 12104 | 2394 |
6672 | Hospital de Olhos de São Paulo | | 7331 | 6437 | 6962 | 2394 |
10044 | Hospital de Olhos do Paraná | | 3633 | 10991 | 9811 | 2394 |
5569 | Hospital Regional de Talca | | 3576 | 8550 | 1837 | 2394 |
7938 | Hospital Dipreca | | 4114 | 10596 | 4232 | 2394 |
9752 | Hospital do Câncer em Uberlândia | | 8898 | 7823 | 12104 | 2394 |
8546 | Hospital do Coração Lagoa Nova | | 7340 | 8986 | 7660 | 2394 |
5557 | Hospital Prof Edmundo Vasconcelos | | 10117 | 4621 | 5660 | 2394 |
10523 | Hospital El Pino | | 12098 | 12703 | 2186 | 2394 |
7229 | Hospital El Tunal E.S.E. | | 4337 | 10031 | 3318 | 2394 |
9400 | Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C Sotomayor | | 1335 | 10999 | 10253 | 2394 |
2812 | Hospitales Nisa | | 2621 | 2023 | 6826 | 2394 |
2736 | Hospitales Angeles | | 693 | 2535 | 7755 | 2394 |
7306 | Fundació Hospital de l'Esperit Sant | | 7418 | 8976 | 3985 | 2394 |
5597 | Clínica San Roque | | 5015 | 6364 | 4915 | 2394 |
11320 | Mutualista Hospital Evangélico | | 7674 | 11316 | 10913 | 2394 |
9138 | Hospital de São Sebastião | | 8192 | 7669 | 10913 | 2394 |
10492 | Hospital General de Agudos Juan A Fernandez | | 15080 | 5820 | 12104 | 2394 |
9130 | Hospital Galenia | | 8435 | 7602 | 10913 | 2394 |
5089 | Katholische Hospitalgesellschaft Sudwestfalen | | 4494 | 6712 | 2878 | 2394 |
2499 | Diani Beach Hospital Kenya | | 3524 | 725 | 10913 | 2394 |
9432 | Hospital Igesp | | 8974 | 9322 | 8843 | 2394 |
9874 | Hospital Infanta Margarita | | 6222 | 12585 | 3409 | 2394 |
11366 | Hospital Infantil de Las Californias | | 11325 | 10620 | 10913 | 2394 |
10288 | Hospital Infantil São Camilo | | 8802 | 11996 | 5445 | 2394 |
8821 | Hospital Dr E Torres G Hospital de Iquique | | 2423 | 9447 | 10253 | 2394 |
9373 | Nemocnice Jindrichuv Hradec | | 15080 | 4069 | 12104 | 2394 |
9985 | Hospitalkirche Stuttgart | | 12340 | 9884 | 7846 | 2394 |
6099 | Hospital la Católica | | 4894 | 3290 | 12104 | 2394 |
10685 | Hospital Madre Teresa | | 8472 | 9573 | 12104 | 2394 |
11646 | Hospital Manuel Uribe Ángel de Envigado | | 3931 | 13095 | 9055 | 2394 |
10332 | Hospital e Maternidade Marieta Konder Bornhausen | | 9545 | 11955 | 5360 | 2394 |
10829 | Hospital Meissen | | 4254 | 11626 | 10253 | 2394 |
9229 | Hospital Memorial São Jose | | 3297 | 8726 | 12104 | 2394 |
10881 | Metro Specialist Hospital | | 10794 | 10302 | 10253 | 2394 |
11174 | Hospital Metropolitano Lapa São Paulo | | 6014 | 12451 | 8481 | 2394 |
5557 | Hospital Metropolitano de Ecuador | | 2100 | 4144 | 10913 | 2394 |
6031 | Hospital Militar Central Bogotá | | 2775 | 8907 | 3086 | 2394 |
11328 | Fundació Privada Hospital de Mollet | | 15468 | 7586 | 10913 | 2394 |