2755 | Spital Zimmerberg Sanitas |  | 2968 | 4423 | 1000 | 2394 |
1662 | Midcentral District Health Board |  | 1314 | 4276 | 1002 | 1085 |
614 | Sandwell And West Birmingham Hospital Swbh NHS |  | 118 | 2331 | 1003 | 483 |
2005 | Children's & Women's Health Centre |  | 5157 | 2525 | 1004 | 1934 |
1643 | Carroll Hospital Center |  | 2303 | 2393 | 1005 | 1934 |
118 | Lifebridge Health |  | 1656 | 8 | 1005 | 1815 |
2831 | Lin Shin Hospital |  | 2285 | 4892 | 1005 | 2394 |
54 | Peking Union Medical College Hospital Beijing |  | 264 | 144 | 1005 | 71 |
915 | Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 68 | 2922 | 1009 | 972 |
4904 | Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership |  | 5225 | 7626 | 1009 | 2394 |
323 | Rady Children's Hospital San Diego |  | 1190 | 715 | 1011 | 286 |
3688 | Buddhachinaraj Hospital Phitsanulok |  | 4144 | 5854 | 1011 | 2394 |
796 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest |  | 1668 | 1846 | 1013 | 529 |
1077 | St Mary Medical Center Langhorne PA |  | 1346 | 1547 | 1013 | 1815 |
2681 | Waterlandziekenhuis |  | 7578 | 2915 | 1015 | 2394 |
2762 | Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens |  | 4636 | 5278 | 1015 | 1328 |
2247 | Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust |  | 4231 | 5056 | 1015 | 860 |
3235 | Kyushu Kousei Nenkin Hospital |  | 5646 | 5971 | 1018 | 1328 |
5575 | (1) Vilniaus Visuomenes Sveikatos Centras Vilniau Public Health Center |  | 3982 | 9195 | 1018 | 2394 |
4540 | Samodzielny Szpital Kliniczny Nr 1 We Wroclawiu |  | 5560 | 6930 | 1020 | 2394 |
2113 | Kyushu Medical Center National Hospital Organization |  | 2596 | 2934 | 1020 | 2394 |
690 | Catholic Health System Buffalo |  | 2460 | 1050 | 1022 | 701 |
328 | Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute/Masarykův Onkologický Ústav |  | 1345 | 1099 | 1023 | 156 |
1146 | Klinikum Braunschweig |  | 2337 | 1707 | 1024 | 1157 |
894 | University of California Irvine Health Care |  | 1001 | 2370 | 1024 | 598 |
2728 | Landseed International Medical Group/Li Shin Hospital |  | 2166 | 4708 | 1024 | 2394 |
1569 | TMG Toda Medical Group |  | 4738 | 1407 | 1027 | 2394 |
1108 | Osaka University Medical Hospital |  | 4524 | 1571 | 1028 | 903 |
362 | St.Vincent Dunn Memorial Hospital |  | 1236 | 341 | 1029 | 860 |
821 | Borgess Health |  | 2999 | 1127 | 1029 | 860 |
1975 | Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec |  | 275 | 8703 | 1031 | 498 |
4428 | Van Wert County Hospital |  | 5311 | 6820 | 1032 | 2394 |
3797 | Omihachiman Municipal Medical Center |  | 7095 | 5132 | 1032 | 2394 |
1121 | Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent University Hospital Ghent |  | 2471 | 957 | 1034 | 2394 |
2869 | Kanazawa Medical Center National Hospital Organization |  | 5037 | 4577 | 1035 | 1934 |
2965 | Priest Hospital |  | 3445 | 7053 | 1035 | 920 |
6487 | Solec Szpital Przychodnie |  | 4923 | 10289 | 1037 | 2394 |
1706 | Kadlec Health System |  | 2421 | 3084 | 1037 | 1328 |
2354 | Krankenhaus Siloah |  | 2441 | 3566 | 1039 | 2394 |
2816 | Kantonsspital Schaffhausen |  | 7075 | 4659 | 1039 | 1328 |
3373 | NHS Milton Keynes & Northamptonshire |  | 2162 | 9112 | 1041 | 815 |
632 | Memorial Healthcare System South Florida Hospital |  | 631 | 535 | 1042 | 2394 |
722 | Institut de Cardiologie de l'Universite d'Ottawa |  | 2270 | 851 | 1042 | 1085 |
5911 | Samodzielny Publiczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej Szpital Powiatowy |  | 6923 | 8828 | 1044 | 2394 |
268 | Tianjin Medical University Hospital |  | 1268 | 88 | 1045 | 1815 |
1270 | Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana |  | 1259 | 2536 | 1045 | 1157 |
1898 | Osaka Rosai Hospital |  | 5248 | 2500 | 1047 | 1815 |
1776 | Slotervaartziekenhuis |  | 2245 | 2275 | 1047 | 2394 |
2559 | (1) Stadtischen Kliniken Mönchengladbach |  | 5161 | 3150 | 1049 | 2394 |
590 | Stanford Health Care (Stanford Hospital & Clinics) |  | 244 | 1045 | 1050 | 1157 |
1607 | Imeldaziekenhuis St Elisabethkliniek |  | 2060 | 3585 | 1051 | 972 |
560 | Mississippi Baptist Health Systems Inc. |  | 1752 | 1811 | 1052 | 229 |
588 | Mercy Hospital Medical Center des Moines |  | 699 | 637 | 1053 | 1815 |
1789 | Ida Tallinna Keskhaigla East Tallinn Central Hospital |  | 1886 | 2455 | 1054 | 2394 |
628 | King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 2459 | 679 | 1055 | 972 |
8195 | Servicio de Salud Aconcagua |  | 4635 | 12289 | 1056 | 2394 |
393 | South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. |  | 2318 | 757 | 1057 | 326 |
2365 | Fukuyama Medical Center National Hospital Organization |  | 841 | 4796 | 1058 | 2394 |
5265 | Hospital del Salvador |  | 7191 | 8817 | 1059 | 1815 |
4416 | I Lan Hospital |  | 844 | 9242 | 1060 | 2394 |
2054 | Katholisches Klinikum Koblenz Montabaur |  | 3141 | 2600 | 1060 | 2394 |
5775 | Nemocnica S Poliklinikou Povazska Bystrica |  | 1939 | 10344 | 1062 | 2394 |
1117 | Tangshan Workers' Hospital |  | 117 | 3377 | 1063 | 1145 |
858 | University of Arizona Health Network |  | 140 | 1274 | 1063 | 2394 |
8616 | Samodzielny Publiczny Dzieciecy Szpital Kliniczny Warszawa |  | 5539 | 12488 | 1065 | 2394 |
3006 | St Joseph's Care Group |  | 6292 | 3737 | 1066 | 2394 |
1157 | Genesys Regional Medical Center Grand Blanc Michigan |  | 839 | 2109 | 1066 | 1328 |
1220 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble |  | 4103 | 1394 | 1066 | 1328 |
1603 | Krankenhaus Martha Maria Munchen |  | 2900 | 1708 | 1069 | 2394 |
1930 | Windsor Regional Hospital |  | 2136 | 2629 | 1070 | 2394 |
2240 | Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Linz |  | 4482 | 2585 | 1071 | 2394 |
8608 | Centre Hospitalier d'Albert |  | 5288 | 12525 | 1072 | 2394 |
3676 | Grant County Health District |  | 4611 | 7133 | 1073 | 1328 |
252 | Hospital Sant Joan de Deu |  | 1376 | 487 | 1074 | 271 |
6687 | Spijkenisse Medisch Centrum |  | 9136 | 9480 | 1074 | 2394 |
4464 | Hospital Juárez de México |  | 7032 | 7866 | 1076 | 1328 |
640 | El Camino Hospital Mountain View CA |  | 162 | 726 | 1077 | 2394 |
3295 | Mississippi State Hospital |  | 2264 | 5837 | 1077 | 2394 |
1261 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Clermont Ferrand |  | 4281 | 2182 | 1079 | 737 |
314 | Fort Suranaree Hospital |  | 217 | 158 | 1080 | 2394 |
700 | Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen |  | 1627 | 961 | 1081 | 931 |
1380 | Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University |  | 1889 | 1533 | 1081 | 2394 |
936 | Mayo Clinic Health System |  | 1549 | 795 | 1083 | 2394 |
925 | National Guard Health Care Service |  | 1386 | 981 | 1083 | 1934 |
1075 | Christian Medical College & Hospital |  | 4452 | 1077 | 1085 | 1328 |
1284 | Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust |  | 229 | 4611 | 1086 | 815 |
549 | Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario/Centre Hospitalier Pour Enfants de L'Est de L'Ontario |  | 3314 | 688 | 1087 | 613 |
6227 | Jianan Mental Hospital |  | 1372 | 11330 | 1088 | 2394 |
4170 | Fong Yuan Hospital |  | 1088 | 8478 | 1088 | 2394 |
310 | Texas Children's Hospital |  | 1385 | 271 | 1090 | 795 |
743 | Baskent Universitesi Istanbul Tip Fakültesi |  | 1758 | 7248 | 1091 | 15 |
4157 | National Hospital Organization Yokohama Center |  | 6881 | 5797 | 1091 | 2394 |
1273 | Elliot Health System |  | 1839 | 1358 | 1091 | 2394 |
2278 | Exeter Hospital |  | 5257 | 2499 | 1094 | 2394 |
7814 | Samodzielnych Publicznych Zakladów Zdrowotnych |  | 5088 | 11799 | 1094 | 2394 |
1144 | Berkshire Health Systems |  | 1682 | 2841 | 1096 | 626 |
1423 | University Health Care System |  | 2898 | 1411 | 1097 | 2394 |
1105 | Tucson Medical Center |  | 1640 | 1088 | 1098 | 2394 |
208 | Children's Hospital of Wisconsin |  | 1281 | 311 | 1098 | 322 |
2365 | Centrum Onkologii Im Prof F Lukaszczyka W Bydgoszczy |  | 1942 | 3768 | 1098 | 2394 |