11051 | Monroe Community Hospital | | 15468 | 7489 | 10253 | 2394 |
7508 | Klinikum Mutterhaus der Borromaerinnen | | 15468 | 2250 | 10253 | 2394 |
8503 | North Country Health System | | 15468 | 3281 | 10253 | 2394 |
8546 | Nemocnice S Poliklinikou Klatovy | | 15468 | 3334 | 10253 | 2394 |
10465 | John C Fremont Healthcare District | | 15080 | 5783 | 12104 | 2394 |
8938 | Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine | | 15080 | 5162 | 9055 | 2394 |
6268 | A I C Kapsowar Hospital | | 15080 | 1180 | 12104 | 2394 |
11082 | (1) Katholisches Klinikum Ruhrgebiet Nord KKRN | | 15080 | 6935 | 12104 | 2394 |
5226 | King Edward Memorial Hospital | | 15080 | 2257 | 9811 | 801 |
11015 | Keuka Health Care Associates | | 15080 | 6840 | 12104 | 2394 |
11915 | Klinik Fuhrer Rhein Ruhr | | 15080 | 8722 | 12104 | 2394 |
11884 | Laser Eye Care & Research Center Dubai | | 15080 | 8664 | 12104 | 2394 |
9432 | Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center | | 15080 | 4167 | 12104 | 2394 |
11320 | Madarász utcai Gyermekkórház Budapest | | 15080 | 7403 | 12104 | 2394 |
8942 | Nevada Mental Health & Developmental Services | | 15080 | 3410 | 12104 | 2394 |
11027 | Suita Municipal Hospital | | 15080 | 6860 | 12104 | 2394 |
8784 | Minneapolis Heart Institute | | 15080 | 3174 | 12104 | 2394 |
2634 | Mount Alvernia Hospital | | 15080 | 269 | 8843 | 2394 |
11730 | North General Hospital | | 15080 | 8308 | 12104 | 2394 |
10677 | Ordu Devlet Hastanesi | | 15080 | 6180 | 12104 | 2394 |
10717 | Azienda Ospedaliera Cannizzaro Catania | | 15080 | 6239 | 12104 | 2394 |
11063 | Osteotest Center Specialized Radiology | | 15080 | 6920 | 12104 | 2394 |
11351 | Hatvani Kórház Egészségügyi Szolgáltató Kft Parádfürdoi Kórháza | | 15080 | 10748 | 6328 | 2394 |
10916 | Sumter Regional Hospital Americus | | 15080 | 6628 | 12104 | 2394 |
11209 | Procrea Cliniques | | 15080 | 7179 | 12104 | 2394 |
11669 | Santiam Memorial Hospital OR | | 15080 | 8195 | 12104 | 2394 |
10937 | Sapporo Jikeikai Social Welfare Inc | | 15080 | 8737 | 8843 | 2394 |
11886 | Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb Azienda Sanitaria dell'Alto Adige Bressanone | | 15080 | 8673 | 12104 | 2394 |
10499 | Soon Chun Hyang University Hospital Seoul | | 15080 | 5830 | 12104 | 2394 |
2561 | Shriners Hospitals for Children | | 15080 | 100 | 12104 | 2394 |
6755 | St Joseph Medical Center of Reading | | 15080 | 1445 | 12104 | 2394 |
10431 | Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre | | 15080 | 9046 | 6677 | 2394 |
11875 | Second Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical College | | 15080 | 8649 | 12104 | 2394 |
8098 | Adcare Hospital of Worcester | | 15080 | 2443 | 12104 | 2394 |
10378 | Children's Hospital Aglaia Kiriakou | | 15080 | 5651 | 12104 | 2394 |
4372 | Aspirus Grand View Hospital | | 15080 | 452 | 12104 | 2394 |
11993 | Avoyelles Hospital | | 15080 | 8875 | 12104 | 2394 |
10982 | Bandon International Hospital | | 15080 | 6752 | 12104 | 2394 |
9113 | Bradford District Care Trust | | 15080 | 5346 | 9261 | 2394 |
9540 | Beijing Emergency Medical Center | | 15080 | 4325 | 12104 | 2394 |
6239 | Walter Reed Army Medical Center | | 15080 | 1677 | 12104 | 1739 |
11835 | BMI Chirurgie Bariatricka a Mininvazivni Chirurgie | | 15080 | 8552 | 12104 | 2394 |
11082 | Central & Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust | | 15080 | 6932 | 12104 | 2394 |
8720 | Centre Hospitalier Leon Jean Gregory de Thuir | | 15080 | 4003 | 10253 | 2394 |
10563 | Cho Ray Hospital | | 15080 | 5941 | 12104 | 2394 |
10288 | Cleveland Regional Medical Center Shelby | | 15080 | 6134 | 10913 | 2394 |
11488 | Coltea Hospital Clinic | | 15080 | 7756 | 12104 | 2394 |
11747 | Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown | | 15080 | 8335 | 12104 | 2394 |
10123 | Diakonissen Krankenhaus Linz | | 15080 | 5217 | 12104 | 2394 |
11027 | Daejin Medical Center | | 15080 | 6863 | 12104 | 2394 |
11136 | Doctors for Women Clinic | | 15080 | 7044 | 12104 | 2394 |
9043 | Hong Kong Eye Institute | | 15080 | 3569 | 12104 | 2394 |
11441 | Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl | | 15080 | 7640 | 12104 | 2394 |
10694 | Fishermen's Hospital | | 15080 | 6206 | 12104 | 2394 |
11944 | Fukuoka Children's Hospital & Medical Center for Infectious Diseases | | 15080 | 8776 | 12104 | 2394 |
11232 | Blue Mountain Health System in Carbon County | | 15080 | 7227 | 12104 | 2394 |
11177 | Higashi Hiroshima Memorial Hospital | | 15080 | 7813 | 10913 | 2394 |
9670 | Presbyterian Hospital of Greenville Hunt Memorial Hospital District | | 15080 | 4514 | 12104 | 2394 |
10652 | Holliswood Hospital | | 15080 | 7588 | 12104 | 1739 |
10492 | Hospital General de Agudos Juan A Fernandez | | 15080 | 5820 | 12104 | 2394 |
9373 | Nemocnice Jindrichuv Hradec | | 15080 | 4069 | 12104 | 2394 |
11972 | Serveis de Salut Integrats Baix Empordà Palamós | | 15080 | 8840 | 12104 | 2394 |
10576 | Huairou District Hospital | | 15080 | 6657 | 10913 | 2394 |
8735 | (1) Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte - Hospital de Santa Maria - Hospital Pulido Valente | | 15080 | 4928 | 8843 | 2394 |
9975 | Hospital Universitario de Brasilia | | 15080 | 6294 | 9811 | 2394 |
6925 | Women & Children's Hospital of Shantou City | | 15080 | 1528 | 12104 | 2394 |
11332 | Sunnyside Community Hospital WA | | 15080 | 7417 | 12104 | 2394 |
5219 | Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Centers | | 15080 | 1215 | 9055 | 2394 |
9287 | Suzhou Municipal Hospital | | 15080 | 4568 | 10913 | 2394 |
10308 | Tenri Hospital | | 15080 | 5531 | 12104 | 2394 |
10504 | Tianjin Medical University Metabolic Diseases Hospital | | 15080 | 5834 | 12104 | 2394 |
9747 | Universal Hospital Group | | 15080 | 4617 | 12104 | 2394 |
11174 | U N Mehta Institute of Cardiology & Research Center | | 15080 | 7799 | 10913 | 2394 |
8763 | Urologicka Klinika | | 15080 | 3700 | 10913 | 2394 |
11918 | Westview Hospital | | 15080 | 8728 | 12104 | 2394 |
6079 | Wishard Health Services | | 15080 | 1056 | 12104 | 2394 |
10481 | Womens Clinic of Seattle | | 15080 | 7839 | 8843 | 2394 |
9566 | Xinghua City People's Hospital of Yangzhou University Medical College Hospital | | 15080 | 4344 | 12104 | 2394 |
5246 | Xijing Hospital Fourth Military Medical University of Cardiovascular Surgery | | 15080 | 705 | 12104 | 2394 |
11949 | Yamanashi Red Cross Hospital | | 15080 | 8787 | 12104 | 2394 |
7720 | Tainan Municipal Hospital | | 14968 | 3378 | 9504 | 2394 |
7118 | University Hospitals of Leicester NHS | | 14968 | 2352 | 10253 | 2394 |
11734 | Winn Parish Medical Center | | 14968 | 9286 | 10913 | 2394 |
9355 | Sidney West Area Health Service | | 14968 | 4331 | 12104 | 2394 |
5415 | Aspirus Ontonagon Hospital | | 14968 | 829 | 12104 | 2394 |
9444 | Bell Hospital | | 14968 | 4442 | 12104 | 2394 |
10284 | Black Hills Surgery Center Llp SD | | 14968 | 5747 | 12104 | 2394 |
11291 | Bloomsburg Health System | | 14968 | 7622 | 12104 | 2394 |
10647 | Bursa Ali Osman Sönmez Onkoloji Hastanesi | | 14968 | 6398 | 12104 | 2394 |
10052 | CHRISTUS St Catherine Hospital | | 14968 | 5407 | 12104 | 2394 |
11088 | Die Johanniter Rheinhausen | | 14968 | 7221 | 12104 | 2394 |
10998 | Klinik Bavaria | | 14968 | 7061 | 12104 | 2394 |
9715 | Mercy and Unity Hospitals | | 14968 | 4851 | 12104 | 2394 |
9747 | Montgomery General Hospital Montgomery WV | | 14968 | 5556 | 10913 | 2394 |
9890 | Nantou Hospital | | 14968 | 7423 | 8319 | 2394 |
10278 | National Police Hospital | | 14968 | 5739 | 12104 | 2394 |
10029 | Ochiltree General Hospital | | 14968 | 5384 | 12104 | 2394 |
10369 | Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence | | 14968 | 7223 | 9811 | 2394 |
9637 | Okeene Municipal Hospital | | 14968 | 9192 | 4232 | 2394 |
11288 | Instituto Oncologico de Guipuzcoa | | 14968 | 7607 | 12104 | 2394 |