5901 | 2527 | Tumorzentrum Zetup St Gallen und Chur | | 5880 | 3772 | 2702 | 972 |
5902 | 8329 | Clinica Neurochirurgie Iv Spitalului Clinic de Urgenta Bagdasar Arseni | | 9804 | 11804 | 3911 | 972 |
5903 | 229 | Nuffield Health Hospitals | | 394 | 216 | 828 | 972 |
5904 | 13751 | Opća Bolnica Pula | | 10212 | 14667 | 4323 | 972 |
5905 | 1115 | Nemocnice Havlíckuv Brod | | 2869 | 2030 | 569 | 972 |
5906 | 2585 | Hospital Obispo Polanco Teruel | | 4257 | 4691 | 2287 | 972 |
5907 | 1616 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Perugia | | 2328 | 3659 | 874 | 972 |
5908 | 9850 | Dr.Edip Somunoglu Pasinler Devlet Hastanesi | | 7220 | 12510 | 7846 | 972 |
5909 | 3348 | Peninsula Community Health | | 4201 | 7310 | 1247 | 972 |
5910 | 3516 | Policlinico di Monza | | 6783 | 5448 | 3365 | 972 |
5911 | 3065 | Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu | | 6587 | 5244 | 2043 | 972 |
5912 | 397 | Grupo Hospitalario Quirón | | 910 | 408 | 1194 | 972 |
5913 | 915 | Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | | 68 | 2922 | 1009 | 972 |
5914 | 1464 | Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability | | 6226 | 1534 | 2323 | 972 |
5915 | 2469 | Nordwest Krankenhaus Sanderbusch | | 8038 | 3352 | 2348 | 972 |
5916 | 1410 | Nemocnice Pelhrimov | | 2881 | 2028 | 2073 | 972 |
5917 | 6436 | Fundació Privada Hospital Residencia de Puigcerdà | | 11175 | 8621 | 4771 | 972 |
5918 | 1607 | Imeldaziekenhuis St Elisabethkliniek | | 2060 | 3585 | 1051 | 972 |
5919 | 2052 | Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust | | 4748 | 4225 | 927 | 972 |
5920 | 628 | King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust | | 2459 | 679 | 1055 | 972 |
5921 | 1540 | Azienda Ospedaliera nº 7 Ospedale di Chivasso | | 3772 | 3467 | 388 | 972 |
5922 | 1315 | Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust | | 2516 | 2180 | 1430 | 972 |
5923 | 1991 | AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende (Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint-Jan) | | 2931 | 4579 | 984 | 972 |
5924 | 2592 | Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder München | | 7015 | 4017 | 2103 | 972 |
5925 | 3001 | Baskent Universitesi Hastanesi Ankara Hospital | | 4937 | 4374 | 4343 | 972 |
5926 | 3068 | Bolton NHS Trust | | 3936 | 6556 | 1430 | 972 |
5927 | 4273 | Centre Hospitalier de Versailles | | 10094 | 5183 | 5071 | 972 |
5928 | 4277 | Chirurgische Klinik Munchen Bogenhausen | | 9446 | 5547 | 4682 | 972 |
5929 | 647 | Slaskiego Centrum Chorób Serca W Zabrzu | | 81 | 2826 | 73 | 972 |
5930 | 4793 | Regional Clinical Hospital Nizhny Novgorod | | 9839 | 6090 | 5019 | 972 |
5931 | 1572 | Southern Health and Social Care Trust | | 4320 | 3082 | 604 | 972 |
5932 | 13897 | Spitalul Tg.Bujor | | 13227 | 14667 | 3814 | 972 |
5933 | 5762 | South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust | | 3032 | 11411 | 1531 | 972 |
5934 | 1952 | Tameside Hospital | | 5282 | 4184 | 566 | 972 |
5935 | 3962 | Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust | | 8122 | 7019 | 1607 | 972 |
5936 | 5261 | Urology Clinic Mediko Stomatologicheskogo Moscow State University | | 8168 | 6386 | 6826 | 972 |
5937 | 3715 | Orthopadische Klinik Kassel | | 5276 | 6302 | 3293 | 972 |
5938 | 915 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Forlì | | 644 | 2259 | 552 | 967 |
5939 | 3340 | Onkologicke Centrum Johana Gregora Mendela | | 7250 | 4629 | 4093 | 967 |
5940 | 1935 | Swietokrzyskie Centrum Onkologii | | 3239 | 4837 | 594 | 931 |
5941 | 500 | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust | | 2031 | 686 | 378 | 931 |
5942 | 2712 | NHS Gateshead | | 4423 | 6656 | 585 | 931 |
5943 | 1232 | Scope Clinic | | 2767 | 750 | 7560 | 931 |
5944 | 1575 | Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust | | 5747 | 2652 | 756 | 931 |
5945 | 375 | University Hospital Southampton NHS | | 213 | 774 | 348 | 931 |
5946 | 700 | Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen | | 1627 | 961 | 1081 | 931 |
5947 | 7687 | Privatklinik Villa Melitta Casa di Cura Villa Melitta | | 10948 | 10280 | 5559 | 931 |
5948 | 287 | Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum | | 34 | 799 | 192 | 931 |
5949 | 2172 | Marienhospital Aachen Krankenhaus Aachen Marienhospital Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus Aachen der Regelversorgung | | 6075 | 2664 | 3443 | 931 |
5950 | 3484 | Marienstift Arnstadt Orthopadische Klinik Arnstadt | | 5586 | 5250 | 4464 | 931 |
5951 | 9938 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Angiologie Universitätspital Bern | | 5867 | 13204 | 6113 | 931 |
5952 | 1621 | Azienda Ospedaliera Guido Salvini di Garbagnate Milanese | | 4080 | 4009 | 263 | 931 |
5953 | 1280 | Clínica Tambre | | 5864 | 919 | 4392 | 931 |
5954 | 1267 | Hôpital Erasme | | 1678 | 2398 | 1406 | 931 |
5955 | 6094 | Yedikule Gögus Hastaliklari Hastanesi | | 11110 | 7447 | 6113 | 931 |
5956 | 5890 | Hospital Distrital de Santarem E.P.E. | | 5372 | 10054 | 3204 | 931 |
5957 | 496 | Helse Midt Norge Rhf Regionalt Helseføretak | | 776 | 1398 | 35 | 931 |
5958 | 693 | Isala Klinieken | | 1968 | 760 | 1652 | 931 |
5959 | 870 | Nemocnice na Homolce | | 3888 | 1203 | 640 | 920 |
5960 | 1505 | Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano | | 3752 | 3664 | 267 | 920 |
5961 | 687 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Ferrara | | 588 | 1813 | 270 | 920 |
5962 | 1643 | Centro Cardiologico Monzino Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico | | 2688 | 3982 | 637 | 920 |
5963 | 2009 | Rehaclinic | | 6479 | 3001 | 1872 | 915 |
5964 | 1397 | Pohjois Karjalan Sairaanhoito Ja Sosiaalipalvelujen Kuntayhtyma North Carelian District for Health Care and Social Services | | 211 | 3650 | 2957 | 903 |
5965 | 1307 | Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust | | 1603 | 2902 | 1137 | 903 |
5966 | 1165 | Uniklinik Balgrist Spital und Chirurgie | | 3686 | 1627 | 1372 | 903 |
5967 | 1048 | Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge | | 1447 | 2303 | 781 | 903 |
5968 | 120 | Clalit Health Services | | 8 | 259 | 176 | 903 |
5969 | 5052 | Lkh Laas | | 6269 | 8573 | 3394 | 860 |
5970 | 2048 | National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases | | 3875 | 4785 | 907 | 860 |
5971 | 804 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Limoges | | 2353 | 1493 | 428 | 860 |
5972 | 2247 | Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust | | 4231 | 5056 | 1015 | 860 |
5973 | 1805 | Dorset HealthCare | | 4890 | 3553 | 1000 | 860 |
5974 | 719 | Hagaziekenhuis Haga Teaching Hospital | | 1533 | 1083 | 1194 | 860 |
5975 | 1209 | Health and Social Services Board | | 3810 | 2267 | 530 | 860 |
5976 | 5427 | Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-HalsTumoren | | 9410 | 7665 | 4824 | 860 |
5977 | 1088 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona | | 2258 | 2970 | 150 | 860 |
5978 | 5434 | Instituto Oftalmológico Integral de Barcelona | | 4416 | 8709 | 5660 | 860 |
5979 | 2374 | Azienda Ospedaliera della Provincia di Lodi | | 4320 | 6235 | 440 | 860 |
5980 | 1673 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 5 Spezzino | | 2056 | 5533 | 218 | 860 |
5981 | 549 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale n° 8 di Cagliari | | 305 | 2434 | 9 | 860 |
5982 | 1770 | Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Siracusa | | 2500 | 5623 | 242 | 860 |
5983 | 3850 | Ifas Institut für Anasthesiologie und Schmerzmedizin Schmerzklinik Nottwil | | 5575 | 6566 | 3630 | 860 |
5984 | 552 | Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | | 1551 | 1036 | 268 | 860 |
5985 | 1494 | Sygehus Lillebaelt | | 2160 | 2366 | 2804 | 860 |
5986 | 1228 | United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS | | 3755 | 2574 | 362 | 860 |
5987 | 7227 | Hospital Central Especializado de Crianças Maria Pia | | 13725 | 9977 | 3432 | 857 |
5988 | 5953 | Ivf Clinic Israel | | 8844 | 9370 | 3715 | 846 |
5989 | 5676 | Centro de Salud la Alamedilla Salamanca | | 10505 | 9529 | 1901 | 846 |
5990 | 395 | Baskent Universitesi Adana Hastanesi | | 1026 | 387 | 1676 | 846 |
5991 | 8568 | Bristol Laparoscopic Surgery | | 6476 | 12154 | 6274 | 839 |
5992 | 13453 | Ortopedicka Klinika 1 Lf a Fakultní Nemocnice na Bulovce S Poliklinikou | | 3186 | 14667 | 7393 | 839 |
5993 | 606 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale CN1 di Cuneo Mondovì e Savigliano | | 881 | 1887 | 64 | 815 |
5994 | 917 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes | | 3008 | 1734 | 430 | 815 |
5995 | 1284 | Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust | | 229 | 4611 | 1086 | 815 |
5996 | 1251 | Instituto Bernabeu | | 1222 | 2270 | 2684 | 815 |
5997 | 487 | Istituto dei Tumori | | 1602 | 859 | 285 | 815 |
5998 | 4556 | Unidad Oftalmologia Hospital Virgen Del Mar | | 2619 | 9664 | 2714 | 815 |
5999 | 1333 | Azienda Complesso Ospedaliero San Filippo Neri | | 2959 | 3666 | 254 | 815 |
6000 | 564 | Klinikum Nurnberg | | 1632 | 801 | 940 | 815 |