501 | 1504 | Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg |  | 3233 | 1843 | 918 | 1934 |
502 | 1505 | Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano |  | 3752 | 3664 | 267 | 920 |
503 | 1509 | Hygeia Hospital |  | 3611 | 1646 | 612 | 2394 |
504 | 1509 | Kirklees Primare Care Trust NHS |  | 7095 | 4677 | 209 | 458 |
505 | 1514 | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust |  | 1430 | 619 | 8217 | 2394 |
506 | 1518 | Colchester Hospital University |  | 3241 | 2555 | 249 | 1934 |
507 | 1518 | Clinic Family Doctor |  | 4937 | 605 | 5164 | 2394 |
508 | 1525 | Western Sussex Hospitals NHS (St Richard’S Hospital At Chichester) |  | 4211 | 3064 | 968 | 753 |
509 | 1526 | Klinik Am Plattenwald Slk Kliniken Heilbronn |  | 3619 | 1509 | 2858 | 1328 |
510 | 1526 | Memorial Hospital |  | 1582 | 1057 | 4654 | 2394 |
511 | 1526 | Ctk Cottbus Carl Thiem Klinikum / Krankenhaus des Landes Branderburg |  | 1250 | 2274 | 1444 | 1934 |
512 | 1531 | Health Center Valjevo Valjevo Hospital |  | 4087 | 6645 | 326 | 266 |
513 | 1531 | Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Moscow |  | 2415 | 932 | 4305 | 2394 |
514 | 1531 | Centrum Onkologii Instytut Im Marii Skłodowskiej Curie Oddział W Gliwicach Comprehensive Cancer Centre Maria Sklodowska Curie Memorial Institute Branch Gliwice |  | 3657 | 2898 | 1406 | 753 |
515 | 1537 | Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale |  | 1767 | 1819 | 1997 | 1934 |
516 | 1538 | Assaf Harofeh Medical Center Tel Aviv University Sackler Faculty of Medicine |  | 1754 | 2634 | 1745 | 1157 |
517 | 1540 | Azienda Ospedaliera nº 7 Ospedale di Chivasso |  | 3772 | 3467 | 388 | 972 |
518 | 1540 | Zentrum für Psychiatrie |  | 1479 | 1735 | 1641 | 2394 |
519 | 1542 | Barts Health NHS Trust |  | 4507 | 1310 | 1234 | 2394 |
520 | 1544 | Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava |  | 70 | 8071 | 13 | 1328 |
521 | 1550 | County Durham & Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS |  | 1908 | 2771 | 477 | 1934 |
522 | 1550 | Klinikum Lippe Lemgo |  | 1520 | 2298 | 1279 | 1934 |
523 | 1557 | Kaiserswerther Diakonie |  | 4313 | 1345 | 1252 | 2394 |
524 | 1559 | Institut Ferran de Reumatología |  | 9389 | 2011 | 2570 | 526 |
525 | 1559 | Centre Hospitalier du Belvedere |  | 9199 | 326 | 6826 | 2394 |
526 | 1561 | Spital Uster |  | 3672 | 2476 | 2375 | 753 |
527 | 1561 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 5 Regione del Veneto Ovest Vicentino |  | 1295 | 3384 | 355 | 1934 |
528 | 1572 | Kliniken Südostbayern |  | 5288 | 1554 | 1594 | 1815 |
529 | 1572 | Southern Health and Social Care Trust |  | 4320 | 3082 | 604 | 972 |
530 | 1574 | HPG23 Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo |  | 2256 | 5126 | 349 | 701 |
531 | 1575 | Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust |  | 5747 | 2652 | 756 | 931 |
532 | 1582 | Vestre Viken HF |  | 3353 | 2891 | 467 | 1328 |
533 | 1583 | Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel |  | 2157 | 1837 | 2459 | 1815 |
534 | 1583 | Azienda Ospedaliera San Carlo Potenza |  | 1392 | 5375 | 153 | 1085 |
535 | 1586 | Psychiatrischen Klinik Wels |  | 1859 | 1663 | 1708 | 2394 |
536 | 1586 | Marienhospital Stuttgart |  | 1976 | 1771 | 1308 | 2394 |
537 | 1591 | Tergooiziekenhuizen |  | 1799 | 2381 | 527 | 2394 |
538 | 1593 | Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa |  | 3407 | 214 | 12104 | 2394 |
539 | 1598 | Fondazione dell'Ospedale Pediatrico Anna Meyer O.N.L.U.S. |  | 1506 | 643 | 8481 | 2394 |
540 | 1600 | Fakultní Nemocnice V Motole |  | 2149 | 766 | 7956 | 1934 |
541 | 1603 | Krankenhaus Martha Maria Munchen |  | 2900 | 1708 | 1069 | 2394 |
542 | 1606 | Dolnoslaskie Centrum Onkologii |  | 3826 | 5785 | 238 | 498 |
543 | 1607 | Imeldaziekenhuis St Elisabethkliniek |  | 2060 | 3585 | 1051 | 972 |
544 | 1608 | Centre Hospitalier Pierre le Damany |  | 5106 | 755 | 4413 | 2394 |
545 | 1608 | South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4517 | 2322 | 843 | 1328 |
546 | 1610 | Kennemer Gasthuis |  | 3547 | 1698 | 885 | 2394 |
547 | 1613 | Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS |  | 4982 | 2545 | 507 | 1328 |
548 | 1613 | Peterborough and Stamford NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3630 | 4156 | 867 | 634 |
549 | 1616 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Perugia |  | 2328 | 3659 | 874 | 972 |
550 | 1617 | Hsk Gruppe Onkologischer Schwerpunkt Hsk Wiesbaden |  | 3999 | 1631 | 2691 | 1328 |
551 | 1617 | North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS North Cumbria |  | 1762 | 5079 | 248 | 972 |
552 | 1619 | Ukbb Universitäts Kinderspital Beider Basel |  | 2533 | 1842 | 1771 | 1934 |
553 | 1619 | Dunya Göz Hastanesi Grup World Eye Centers |  | 1419 | 1285 | 5873 | 1934 |
554 | 1621 | Azienda Ospedaliera Guido Salvini di Garbagnate Milanese |  | 4080 | 4009 | 263 | 931 |
555 | 1623 | Fakultna Nemocnica S Poliklinikou V Presove |  | 945 | 6384 | 15 | 1328 |
556 | 1625 | Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne |  | 1200 | 4206 | 870 | 1145 |
557 | 1628 | Landeskrankenhaus Feldkirch |  | 2152 | 2183 | 1328 | 1934 |
558 | 1634 | St Clara Spital |  | 3307 | 4008 | 2278 | 452 |
559 | 1636 | Mater Misericordiae University Hospital |  | 4828 | 1774 | 2561 | 1157 |
560 | 1640 | Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Trust |  | 1984 | 5047 | 497 | 753 |
561 | 1641 | Schulthess Klinik |  | 5383 | 1619 | 2182 | 1328 |
562 | 1643 | Centro Cardiologico Monzino Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico |  | 2688 | 3982 | 637 | 920 |
563 | 1647 | Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS |  | 5914 | 2043 | 1424 | 1157 |
564 | 1650 | Spital Bulach |  | 184 | 3151 | 1607 | 2394 |
565 | 1657 | Agencia Valenciana de Salut Departamento 19 Hospital Gral Universitario de Alicante |  | 6353 | 5569 | 1107 | 248 |
566 | 1659 | Kingston Hospital NHS Trust |  | 4497 | 1466 | 1303 | 2394 |
567 | 1662 | Lkh Univ Klinikum Graz Graz University Clinic |  | 2567 | 2132 | 1317 | 1934 |
568 | 1664 | Mestska Nemocnice Ostrava |  | 2178 | 1934 | 1186 | 2394 |
569 | 1673 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 5 Spezzino |  | 2056 | 5533 | 218 | 860 |
570 | 1676 | IRCH - International Center For Reproductive Health |  | 4963 | 3059 | 3409 | 473 |
571 | 1679 | Centre Hospitalier de Châlons en Champagne |  | 11832 | 209 | 9055 | 2394 |
572 | 1682 | Remigius Krankenhaus Leverkusen |  | 2708 | 2307 | 2659 | 1157 |
573 | 1685 | Iow NHS Primary Care Trust |  | 2773 | 2793 | 1147 | 1328 |
574 | 1686 | Whittington Hospital NHS |  | 1669 | 1957 | 1693 | 2394 |
575 | 1689 | Frederiksberg Hospital |  | 1675 | 3196 | 1232 | 1739 |
576 | 1691 | Ophthalmologic Clinic Excimer |  | 2659 | 606 | 8319 | 2394 |
577 | 1693 | Medicana Hospital Group |  | 2065 | 2229 | 2831 | 1328 |
578 | 1695 | Tselt Clinic & Hospital |  | 525 | 1432 | 6328 | 2394 |
579 | 1706 | Psykiatrien i Region Midtjylland (Aarhus University Hospital Risskov) |  | 3748 | 5706 | 889 | 405 |
580 | 1709 | (1) SHG Saarland-Heilstätten SHG Gruppe |  | 3979 | 1844 | 843 | 2394 |
581 | 1709 | Azienda Sanitaria Unita Locale Socio Sanitaria nº 3 di Bassano del Grappa |  | 1756 | 3124 | 696 | 1934 |
582 | 1713 | St Franziskus Stiftung Münster |  | 2428 | 1912 | 2226 | 1934 |
583 | 1718 | Drk Krankenhaus Chemnitz Rabenstein |  | 1003 | 1874 | 3128 | 2394 |
584 | 1725 | Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4098 | 3135 | 763 | 1157 |
585 | 1730 | Waldburg Zeil Kliniken |  | 4341 | 1462 | 1718 | 2394 |
586 | 1731 | Regional Hospital of Randers and Grenaa |  | 3301 | 5189 | 822 | 549 |
587 | 1733 | Clienia Klinik für Psychiatrie |  | 6793 | 2790 | 1444 | 753 |
588 | 1735 | Rigas Austrumu Kliniskas Universitates |  | 2092 | 3820 | 557 | 1328 |
589 | 1737 | Alexianer Brudergemeinschaft |  | 3092 | 1437 | 2553 | 2394 |
590 | 1739 | Republican Centre of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health |  | 1435 | 1629 | 3463 | 2394 |
591 | 1748 | Krankenhaus Dresden Friedrichstadt |  | 3229 | 2457 | 1695 | 1328 |
592 | 1750 | Clinic Primamedika |  | 2063 | 894 | 6897 | 2394 |
593 | 1753 | Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust |  | 3982 | 6864 | 730 | 278 |
594 | 1753 | Coventry and Warwickshire Hospitals |  | 3543 | 1681 | 1497 | 2394 |
595 | 1755 | SM Clinic at the Forest |  | 2639 | 843 | 6826 | 2394 |
596 | 1755 | Nemocnice Ceske Budejovice |  | 5589 | 1520 | 1220 | 2394 |
597 | 1762 | Hospital Nizhny Novgorod |  | 624 | 1234 | 7660 | 2394 |
598 | 1766 | Christoph Merian Stiftung |  | 620 | 1581 | 5789 | 2394 |
599 | 1770 | Triamed Kommunalunternehmen des Landkreises Rosenheim |  | 3593 | 2523 | 1518 | 1328 |
600 | 1770 | Ijsselland Ziekenhuis |  | 4007 | 1744 | 1227 | 2394 |