1397 | Pohjois Karjalan Sairaanhoito Ja Sosiaalipalvelujen Kuntayhtyma North Carelian District for Health Care and Social Services | | 211 | 3650 | 2957 | 903 |
2577 | Riverside Community Hospital | | 797 | 5204 | 5873 | 903 |
296 | Roswell Park Cancer Institute (Western New York Neuro Oncology Center) | | 1409 | 267 | 628 | 903 |
1307 | Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust | | 1603 | 2902 | 1137 | 903 |
598 | Gambro Healthcare | | 2383 | 738 | 830 | 903 |
1108 | Osaka University Medical Hospital | | 4524 | 1571 | 1028 | 903 |
6734 | Instituto para el Estudio de la Concepción Humana Centro de Fertilidad | | 5359 | 10183 | 6167 | 903 |
1265 | Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare | | 3956 | 1375 | 3195 | 903 |
697 | Valley Health Winchester VA | | 500 | 1476 | 935 | 915 |
2009 | Rehaclinic | | 6479 | 3001 | 1872 | 915 |
168 | Rex Healthcare | | 74 | 228 | 424 | 915 |
424 | National Center for Child Health and Development National Children's Medical Center
Research Institute | | 855 | 838 | 171 | 915 |
651 | Brandon Regional Hospital | | 808 | 483 | 5838 | 915 |
7306 | 3ª Policlínica do Cbmerj 3ª Policlínica Niterói | | 1507 | 14140 | 34 | 920 |
687 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Ferrara | | 588 | 1813 | 270 | 920 |
1643 | Centro Cardiologico Monzino Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico | | 2688 | 3982 | 637 | 920 |
1505 | Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano | | 3752 | 3664 | 267 | 920 |
2722 | Mercy Health & Aged Care | | 5981 | 5297 | 1432 | 920 |
7786 | National Taiwan University Hospital Yun Lin Branch | | 3270 | 13213 | 1570 | 920 |
2965 | Priest Hospital | | 3445 | 7053 | 1035 | 920 |
482 | Scottsdale Healthcare | | 683 | 650 | 1209 | 920 |
457 | Duke University Health System | | 949 | 469 | 1783 | 920 |
870 | Nemocnice na Homolce | | 3888 | 1203 | 640 | 920 |
1267 | Hôpital Erasme | | 1678 | 2398 | 1406 | 931 |
6094 | Yedikule Gögus Hastaliklari Hastanesi | | 11110 | 7447 | 6113 | 931 |
3427 | Hospital de Clinicas de Uberlândia | | 4998 | 2957 | 9261 | 931 |
2293 | Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo | | 4183 | 4870 | 1165 | 931 |
5890 | Hospital Distrital de Santarem E.P.E. | | 5372 | 10054 | 3204 | 931 |
496 | Helse Midt Norge Rhf Regionalt Helseføretak | | 776 | 1398 | 35 | 931 |
6568 | Hospital Italiano de Córdoba | | 5927 | 11084 | 2674 | 931 |
1480 | Michael E Debakey Va Medical Center | | 4285 | 1622 | 3218 | 931 |
453 | Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo | | 1810 | 553 | 492 | 931 |
693 | Isala Klinieken | | 1968 | 760 | 1652 | 931 |
1575 | Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust | | 5747 | 2652 | 756 | 931 |
784 | Tan Tock Seng Hospital | | 2202 | 1163 | 881 | 931 |
375 | University Hospital Southampton NHS | | 213 | 774 | 348 | 931 |
700 | Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen | | 1627 | 961 | 1081 | 931 |
7687 | Privatklinik Villa Melitta Casa di Cura Villa Melitta | | 10948 | 10280 | 5559 | 931 |
810 | Women's College Hospital | | 3220 | 997 | 960 | 931 |
9938 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Angiologie Universitätspital Bern | | 5867 | 13204 | 6113 | 931 |
1621 | Azienda Ospedaliera Guido Salvini di Garbagnate Milanese | | 4080 | 4009 | 263 | 931 |
1112 | Capital & Coast District Health Board | | 3300 | 2218 | 329 | 931 |
2337 | Children's Hospital at Montefiore | | 3106 | 3692 | 3911 | 931 |
271 | Children's National Medical Center Washington D.C | | 420 | 180 | 2323 | 931 |
2478 | Clark Memorial Hospital | | 8050 | 3221 | 2804 | 931 |
1280 | Clínica Tambre | | 5864 | 919 | 4392 | 931 |
287 | Sihtasutus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum | | 34 | 799 | 192 | 931 |
388 | Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center | | 311 | 602 | 890 | 931 |
2172 | Marienhospital Aachen Krankenhaus Aachen Marienhospital Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus Aachen der Regelversorgung | | 6075 | 2664 | 3443 | 931 |
1022 | Nagasaki University Hospital of Medicine and Dentistry | | 3034 | 1896 | 429 | 931 |
3484 | Marienstift Arnstadt Orthopadische Klinik Arnstadt | | 5586 | 5250 | 4464 | 931 |
2083 | Hospital Oasis de Esperanza | | 5968 | 1711 | 6430 | 931 |
1935 | Swietokrzyskie Centrum Onkologii | | 3239 | 4837 | 594 | 931 |
500 | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust | | 2031 | 686 | 378 | 931 |
2712 | NHS Gateshead | | 4423 | 6656 | 585 | 931 |
966 | Saint Agnes Medical Center CA | | 1451 | 1327 | 2380 | 931 |
1896 | San Mateo Medical Center | | 702 | 4784 | 2416 | 931 |
1232 | Scope Clinic | | 2767 | 750 | 7560 | 931 |
8176 | Shahid Gangalal Health Centre | | 12139 | 10537 | 5660 | 931 |
3340 | Onkologicke Centrum Johana Gregora Mendela | | 7250 | 4629 | 4093 | 967 |
259 | Royal Adelaide Hospital | | 53 | 1792 | 1 | 967 |
915 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Forlì | | 644 | 2259 | 552 | 967 |
233 | California Pacific Medical Center | | 133 | 232 | 1479 | 967 |
2024 | Dominion Hospital | | 1511 | 2154 | 7956 | 967 |
1829 | East Lancashire Hospitals | | 3350 | 3235 | 1750 | 972 |
1077 | East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust | | 2729 | 2207 | 318 | 972 |
3425 | Evangelisches Krankenhaus Witten | | 1641 | 7186 | 3566 | 972 |
951 | Florida Hospital Association | | 4003 | 794 | 2674 | 972 |
1124 | Group Florence Nightingale Hastanesi | | 2317 | 1006 | 4547 | 972 |
1464 | Freevis Lasik Zentrum | | 4103 | 1459 | 3985 | 972 |
5459 | Granville Health System | | 5432 | 8268 | 5294 | 972 |
9694 | Hospital Espírita Andre Luiz | | 11548 | 11878 | 7298 | 972 |
1410 | Nemocnice Pelhrimov | | 2881 | 2028 | 2073 | 972 |
9369 | Hospital San Jose de Melipilla | | 8657 | 13148 | 2957 | 972 |
5325 | Hospital Dr Gustavo Fricke | | 4967 | 9855 | 2090 | 972 |
6436 | Fundació Privada Hospital Residencia de Puigcerdà | | 11175 | 8621 | 4771 | 972 |
3530 | Interlake Eastern Regional Health Authority | | 5231 | 8644 | 363 | 972 |
8765 | Instituto Modelo de Cardiología Privado S.R.L. | | 9446 | 11765 | 5624 | 972 |
1607 | Imeldaziekenhuis St Elisabethkliniek | | 2060 | 3585 | 1051 | 972 |
2052 | Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust | | 4748 | 4225 | 927 | 972 |
780 | Allegheny Health Network | | 751 | 1245 | 1772 | 972 |
4366 | Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital | | 7411 | 7229 | 2582 | 972 |
3160 | ArchCare (Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center) | | 8556 | 4583 | 2748 | 972 |
1540 | Azienda Ospedaliera nº 7 Ospedale di Chivasso | | 3772 | 3467 | 388 | 972 |
1870 | Atlanta Medical Center | | 5460 | 1924 | 4194 | 972 |
993 | Atlanticare Regional Medical Center | | 2504 | 1040 | 2898 | 972 |
1315 | Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust | | 2516 | 2180 | 1430 | 972 |
1446 | Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association | | 6913 | 1486 | 2143 | 972 |
1991 | AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende (Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint-Jan) | | 2931 | 4579 | 984 | 972 |
2592 | Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder München | | 7015 | 4017 | 2103 | 972 |
3001 | Baskent Universitesi Hastanesi Ankara Hospital | | 4937 | 4374 | 4343 | 972 |
3068 | Bolton NHS Trust | | 3936 | 6556 | 1430 | 972 |
1518 | Cabell Huntington Hospital | | 4074 | 1990 | 2121 | 972 |
889 | SSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center | | 2616 | 971 | 1725 | 972 |
1363 | Fundación Cardio Infantil de Bogota Instituto de Cardiología | | 996 | 2212 | 3473 | 972 |
1368 | Changi General Hospital | | 3828 | 1634 | 2423 | 972 |
4273 | Centre Hospitalier de Versailles | | 10094 | 5183 | 5071 | 972 |
7235 | Cheyenne County Hospital | | 9163 | 9178 | 7298 | 972 |
4277 | Chirurgische Klinik Munchen Bogenhausen | | 9446 | 5547 | 4682 | 972 |
1083 | Children's Hospital New Orleans | | 1360 | 1559 | 2505 | 972 |