8413 | Regional Hospital of Jackson | | 1929 | 8731 | 10913 | 2394 |
2536 | St Vincenz Krankenhaus Paderborn | | 1930 | 3022 | 2976 | 2394 |
7070 | Belhoul European Hospital | | 1931 | 5965 | 12104 | 2394 |
6076 | Gadsden Regional Medical Center | | 1932 | 5040 | 10913 | 2394 |
1987 | Hinduja National Hospital & Medical Research Centre | | 1933 | 1982 | 2887 | 2394 |
936 | Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital | | 1934 | 1151 | 1618 | 1145 |
7267 | Beijing Red Cross Tung Wah Hospital | | 1935 | 6306 | 12104 | 2394 |
195 | Winnipeg Regional Health Authority | | 1935 | 775 | 86 | 144 |
10177 | Jiangmen City Mental Health Network | | 1937 | 11288 | 10913 | 2394 |
7550 | Navarro Regional Hospital | | 1937 | 7414 | 10913 | 2394 |
5775 | Nemocnica S Poliklinikou Povazska Bystrica | | 1939 | 10344 | 1062 | 2394 |
657 | Singapore General Hospital | | 1939 | 737 | 633 | 1328 |
1340 | Kameda Medical Center | | 1941 | 1311 | 1466 | 2394 |
2365 | Centrum Onkologii Im Prof F Lukaszczyka W Bydgoszczy | | 1942 | 3768 | 1098 | 2394 |
94 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon hôpitaux de Lyon | | 1943 | 435 | 114 | 56 |
818 | Mount Carmel Health System | | 1944 | 1068 | 1419 | 972 |
1760 | Centrastate Healthcare System | | 1945 | 1487 | 3660 | 2394 |
5891 | William Newton Memorial Hospital Winfield Kansas | | 1946 | 8208 | 4941 | 2394 |
452 | South Carolina Hospital Association | | 1947 | 899 | 598 | 444 |
2169 | Grupo Unimed Paulistana | | 1948 | 2737 | 1847 | 2394 |
4140 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde Universitätspital Bern | | 1949 | 5596 | 4250 | 2394 |
11454 | Instituto Médico Valera | | 1949 | 14270 | 5294 | 1145 |
1680 | University Of Illinois Hospital & Health Science System | | 1951 | 1596 | 2474 | 2394 |
7486 | OPA Ortopædisk Privathospital Aarhus i Scandinavian Center Århus | | 1952 | 10556 | 5071 | 2394 |
6755 | Synphaet General Hospital | | 1953 | 6789 | 9811 | 2394 |
637 | Vivantes Kliniken am Urban und im Friedricheshain | | 1954 | 491 | 1614 | 1328 |
647 | Stockholm Heart Center | | 1955 | 509 | 2193 | 1157 |
650 | Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters | | 1956 | 551 | 1819 | 1157 |
877 | Städtische Klinikum München | | 1957 | 923 | 1334 | 1328 |
4563 | Szpital Zespolony Im Ludwika Perzyny W Kaliszu | | 1958 | 7775 | 1705 | 2394 |
7312 | Riverwood Healthcare Center | | 1959 | 10492 | 4682 | 2394 |
3179 | Somerset Primary Care Trust | | 1960 | 3751 | 4270 | 2394 |
812 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale di Piacenza | | 1961 | 2470 | 335 | 504 |
3767 | Etela Savo Hospital District | | 1962 | 5669 | 2691 | 2394 |
1259 | Hunan Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center | | 1963 | 687 | 4442 | 2394 |
3745 | International Hospital of Bahrain | | 1964 | 6568 | 3814 | 1328 |
2125 | Peking Union Medical College Hospital Vascular Surgery | | 1965 | 532 | 12104 | 2394 |
7386 | Southampton Memorial Hospital Richmond VA | | 1966 | 7097 | 10913 | 2394 |
2061 | Oblastní Nemocnice Nachod | | 1967 | 1979 | 3376 | 2394 |
693 | Isala Klinieken | | 1968 | 760 | 1652 | 931 |
2005 | CircleBath Hospital Circle Partnership | | 1969 | 3010 | 945 | 2394 |
1531 | IntegraMédica Clínica | | 1970 | 697 | 6962 | 2394 |
2341 | Vejthani Hospital | | 1971 | 1002 | 9504 | 2394 |
7059 | Woodland Heights Medical Center | | 1973 | 6591 | 10913 | 2394 |
7667 | West Contra Costa Healthcare District | | 1974 | 12507 | 1872 | 1934 |
8406 | Wonju Christian Hospital | | 1975 | 7980 | 12104 | 2394 |
1586 | Marienhospital Stuttgart | | 1976 | 1771 | 1308 | 2394 |
978 | Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center | | 1977 | 1033 | 948 | 1934 |
6167 | Flowers Hospital Oakbrook Terrace IL | | 1978 | 5172 | 10913 | 2394 |
10916 | Sanatorio de Agua de Dios | | 1979 | 12431 | 10253 | 2394 |
4383 | Stadtischen Krankenhaus Heinsberg | | 1981 | 7303 | 1893 | 2394 |
2884 | Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Sainte Justine | | 1982 | 6299 | 2515 | 972 |
11833 | Hospital of Foshan City Sanshui hospital | | 1983 | 13861 | 7393 | 2394 |
1640 | Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Trust | | 1984 | 5047 | 497 | 753 |
7298 | Springs Memorial Hospital | | 1985 | 6963 | 10913 | 2394 |
7437 | Deaconess Medical Center Spokane WA | | 1985 | 7147 | 10913 | 2394 |
2203 | Iasis Healthcare | | 1987 | 2413 | 2691 | 2394 |
4335 | Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center | | 1988 | 4756 | 6677 | 2394 |
3638 | H:S Amager Hospital | | 1989 | 5201 | 3156 | 2394 |
5379 | Augustahospital Anholt | | 1990 | 6721 | 6113 | 2394 |
4821 | KPJ HealthCare Johor Specialist Hospital | | 1991 | 2617 | 12104 | 2394 |
1977 | Kerckhoff Klinik | | 1992 | 2489 | 2526 | 1934 |
9225 | Liver disease hospital in Guangzhou | | 1994 | 9346 | 12104 | 2394 |
1054 | (1) Taipei Medical University Hospital | | 1995 | 2676 | 369 | 815 |
7864 | Moberly Regional Medical Center | | 1996 | 8242 | 10253 | 2394 |
735 | Mountain States Health Alliance | | 1997 | 614 | 1709 | 1328 |
2542 | Shanghai Red House Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology / Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University | | 1998 | 2375 | 4798 | 2394 |
1568 | Elgin St Thomas Health Unit | | 1999 | 4516 | 775 | 729 |
741 | Klinikum Augsburg | | 1999 | 1443 | 703 | 694 |
4481 | Drk Krankenhaus Lichtenstein | | 2001 | 5130 | 6374 | 2394 |
1437 | Southern Tohoku Research Institute for Neuroscience Southern Tohoku General Hospital | | 2001 | 1399 | 1691 | 2394 |
226 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse | | 2001 | 594 | 206 | 258 |
603 | Chelsea and Westminster Hospital | | 2004 | 1149 | 549 | 634 |
4280 | Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine | | 2005 | 4394 | 7210 | 2394 |
290 | NHS Lothian | | 2006 | 718 | 55 | 421 |
4673 | Osf Saint James John W Albrecht Medical Center | | 2007 | 5093 | 6962 | 2394 |
2436 | Mount Desert Island Hospital ME | | 2008 | 2905 | 5660 | 1328 |
3300 | Atlantic General Hospital | | 2009 | 1540 | 10913 | 2394 |
2804 | Szpital Kliniczny Im Karola Jonschera Uniwersytetu Medycznego | | 2010 | 5872 | 395 | 2394 |
1759 | Bon Secours St Francis Health System Greenville | | 2011 | 1667 | 2648 | 2394 |
5622 | (1) Sudharz Krankenhaus Nordhausen | | 2011 | 8040 | 4181 | 2394 |
956 | Drk Kliniken Berlin | | 2013 | 849 | 1412 | 1934 |
7497 | Evanston Regional Hospital WY | | 2014 | 7251 | 10913 | 2394 |
4507 | Heartland Regional Medical Center | | 2015 | 3049 | 10253 | 2394 |
6227 | Azienda Ospedaliera Treviglio | | 2016 | 4623 | 12104 | 2394 |
2041 | Memorial Medical Center Modesto CA | | 2017 | 3142 | 4392 | 972 |
900 | Health and Medical Centre Ostrava/Fakultní Nemocnice Ostrava | | 2018 | 1440 | 309 | 1328 |
2396 | Institut Paoli Calmettes | | 2019 | 2788 | 2714 | 2394 |
741 | Sørlandet Sykehus Hf | | 2020 | 2315 | 175 | 518 |
5898 | Klinika Glaznaya Eye Clinic Moscow Center Ophthalmology Vizion | | 2021 | 4087 | 12104 | 2394 |
661 | UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center | | 2022 | 749 | 904 | 1157 |
5983 | Copley Hospital | | 2023 | 5505 | 9811 | 2394 |
9384 | Hill Regional Hospital | | 2024 | 10209 | 10913 | 2394 |
1235 | Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island | | 2025 | 1005 | 1681 | 2394 |
998 | Suanprung Psychiatric Hospital | | 2026 | 1170 | 806 | 1934 |
5804 | Dale Medical Center | | 2027 | 4553 | 10913 | 2394 |
5391 | Laniado Hospital Sanz Medical Center | | 2027 | 3921 | 10913 | 2394 |
2320 | Edith Wolfson Medical Center | | 2029 | 3955 | 1972 | 1815 |
10184 | Crossroads Community Hospital | | 2030 | 11521 | 10253 | 2394 |
500 | Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust | | 2031 | 686 | 378 | 931 |