829 | Children's Hospital of Shanghai |  | 1622 | 440 | 2505 | 2394 |
3574 | Cache Valley Specialty Hospital |  | 1623 | 1906 | 10913 | 2394 |
4224 | Mat Su Regional Medical Center |  | 1624 | 2888 | 10253 | 2394 |
3533 | Tampa Community Hospital |  | 1625 | 2353 | 9504 | 2394 |
4458 | Vista Health System |  | 1626 | 2911 | 10913 | 2394 |
700 | Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen |  | 1627 | 961 | 1081 | 931 |
5977 | QuYang Hospital |  | 1628 | 7828 | 6430 | 2394 |
2921 | Methodist Hospitals Gary IN |  | 1629 | 3672 | 3748 | 2394 |
6275 | Detar Healthcare System |  | 1630 | 5630 | 10913 | 2394 |
4021 | Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Batolome |  | 1631 | 9868 | 568 | 1328 |
564 | Klinikum Nurnberg |  | 1632 | 801 | 940 | 815 |
2083 | Overlake Hospital Medical Center WA |  | 1633 | 1157 | 8086 | 2394 |
2770 | Sjukhuslakaren |  | 1634 | 3002 | 6328 | 1934 |
319 | Arcispedale S Maria Nuova Azienda Ospedaliera di Reggio Emilia V |  | 1635 | 1977 | 51 | 118 |
5444 | Polyclinique Saint Jean |  | 1636 | 7596 | 5071 | 2394 |
594 | Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 1637 | 964 | 653 | 815 |
652 | Rochester General Health System |  | 1638 | 645 | 797 | 1815 |
1107 | Klinikum Dortmund |  | 1639 | 1575 | 1217 | 1328 |
1105 | Tucson Medical Center |  | 1640 | 1088 | 1098 | 2394 |
3425 | Evangelisches Krankenhaus Witten |  | 1641 | 7186 | 3566 | 972 |
2326 | Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital |  | 1642 | 2558 | 3533 | 2394 |
739 | Akershus Universitetssykehus Hf |  | 1643 | 1770 | 482 | 634 |
2428 | MUSC Children's Hospital Charleston |  | 1644 | 4960 | 1384 | 1815 |
2767 | Shuangfeng People Hospital |  | 1645 | 972 | 12104 | 2394 |
391 | OhioHealth |  | 1646 | 237 | 1205 | 1328 |
2166 | Malpani Infertility Clinic |  | 1647 | 994 | 10913 | 1815 |
932 | University of South Alabama Health System |  | 1648 | 2433 | 971 | 513 |
7031 | Hospital de Usme I Nivel Empresa Social del Estado |  | 1649 | 12937 | 995 | 1328 |
964 | Gelre Ziekenhuizen. |  | 1650 | 1692 | 562 | 1270 |
3278 | Weifang Medical College Hospital |  | 1651 | 5461 | 1942 | 2394 |
7460 | Liaocheng Third People's Hospital |  | 1652 | 6783 | 12104 | 2394 |
5591 | Hospital Português da Bahia |  | 1653 | 6879 | 6962 | 2394 |
1357 | Sacred Heart Health System |  | 1654 | 1207 | 2263 | 2394 |
5237 | Mountain View Hospital Payson UT |  | 1655 | 3910 | 10913 | 2394 |
118 | Lifebridge Health |  | 1656 | 8 | 1005 | 1815 |
5553 | West Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust |  | 1657 | 3779 | 12104 | 2394 |
4102 | He Eye Hospital |  | 1658 | 3078 | 9504 | 2394 |
2120 | Southeastern Regional Medical Center |  | 1659 | 2333 | 2957 | 2394 |
10174 | Bayfront Health Dade City |  | 1660 | 12738 | 7560 | 2394 |
1320 | NMS Medical Center Moscow |  | 1661 | 248 | 10913 | 2394 |
8712 | Fundació Hospital Sant Jaume I Santa Magdalena |  | 1661 | 9392 | 10913 | 2394 |
1408 | Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University |  | 1663 | 1212 | 2648 | 2394 |
1920 | Regional Health |  | 1664 | 2780 | 1152 | 2394 |
4855 | People's Liberation Army Shanghai 455 Hospital |  | 1665 | 2848 | 12104 | 2394 |
774 | Shanghai Medicare |  | 1666 | 348 | 2804 | 2394 |
865 | Diakonessenhuis |  | 1667 | 1383 | 420 | 1328 |
796 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest |  | 1668 | 1846 | 1013 | 529 |
1686 | Whittington Hospital NHS |  | 1669 | 1957 | 1693 | 2394 |
6611 | Tohokukai Mental Hospital |  | 1670 | 8364 | 7393 | 2394 |
2024 | Regina Maria Reteaua privata de sanatate |  | 1671 | 1626 | 5164 | 2394 |
6130 | Alzahra University Hospital |  | 1672 | 7361 | 7755 | 2394 |
6517 | Clínica UC San Carlos de Apoquindo |  | 1673 | 9455 | 4966 | 2394 |
3011 | Fakultna Nemocnica Nitra |  | 1674 | 6325 | 521 | 2394 |
1689 | Frederiksberg Hospital |  | 1675 | 3196 | 1232 | 1739 |
2326 | Nottinghamshire Healthcare |  | 1675 | 1536 | 7477 | 2394 |
6672 | Changhua Christian Hospital Erlin Branch |  | 1677 | 9405 | 5518 | 2394 |
1267 | Hôpital Erasme |  | 1678 | 2398 | 1406 | 931 |
737 | Huizhou Central People's Hospital |  | 1679 | 261 | 4154 | 2394 |
2618 | University of Florida Health Jacksonville |  | 1680 | 3210 | 3365 | 2394 |
2314 | Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Österreich |  | 1681 | 681 | 12104 | 2394 |
1144 | Berkshire Health Systems |  | 1682 | 2841 | 1096 | 626 |
2639 | Duke Raleigh Hospital |  | 1683 | 2955 | 4120 | 2394 |
805 | Valley Health System Ridgewood NJ |  | 1684 | 702 | 680 | 2394 |
1680 | Shougang Hospital of Peking University |  | 1685 | 1499 | 3365 | 2394 |
3285 | (1) Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri |  | 1686 | 1914 | 9811 | 2394 |
1512 | Little Company of Mary Health Care |  | 1687 | 1434 | 2287 | 2394 |
711 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice |  | 1688 | 1802 | 464 | 565 |
8812 | Hospital Kemaman |  | 1689 | 12095 | 5294 | 2394 |
1037 | Holy Cross Hospital Silver Spring MD |  | 1689 | 1318 | 1155 | 1815 |
10373 | Kentucky River Medical Center |  | 1691 | 11680 | 10913 | 2394 |
242 | Marshfield Clinic |  | 1692 | 306 | 686 | 458 |
2415 | Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS |  | 1693 | 880 | 10913 | 2394 |
3557 | Opolskie Centrum Onkologii W Opolu |  | 1694 | 6562 | 1272 | 2394 |
3789 | Evangelische Krankenhaus Mettmann |  | 1695 | 5265 | 3955 | 2394 |
3280 | Bnh Hospital Bangkok Nursing Home Hospital |  | 1696 | 1784 | 10253 | 2394 |
1211 | Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria 16 di Padova |  | 1697 | 2710 | 359 | 1157 |
665 | Beijing Children's Hospital |  | 1698 | 121 | 6554 | 2394 |
269 | Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1699 | 582 | 195 | 394 |
6198 | Bright Vision Hospital |  | 1700 | 6087 | 9811 | 2394 |
377 | Jewish General Hospital Hopital General Juif |  | 1701 | 930 | 210 | 427 |
337 | Mental Health Center of Shantou University |  | 1702 | 13 | 6677 | 2394 |
8902 | Instituto Nacional del Torax |  | 1703 | 10036 | 10253 | 2394 |
2128 | Catholic University of Korea Daejun St Mary's Hospital |  | 1704 | 3157 | 1269 | 2394 |
412 | Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Niguarda Ca'Granda |  | 1704 | 1092 | 98 | 507 |
3745 | Azienda Sanitaria Mauriziano di Torino |  | 1706 | 2880 | 8843 | 2394 |
3060 | Policlinica Gipuzkoa |  | 1707 | 3784 | 3955 | 2394 |
5725 | Pottstown Memorial Medical Center |  | 1708 | 5326 | 9811 | 2394 |
630 | Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal |  | 1709 | 1009 | 885 | 737 |
676 | St Joseph's Health Care London |  | 1710 | 1404 | 994 | 557 |
613 | Hopital de La Chaux de Fonds |  | 1711 | 797 | 306 | 1328 |
5209 | Duke Regional Hospital (Durham Regional Hospital) |  | 1712 | 7687 | 3940 | 2394 |
2330 | Rice Memorial Hospital |  | 1713 | 2462 | 3748 | 2394 |
462 | Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh |  | 1714 | 192 | 1983 | 1934 |
4919 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 9 di Grosseto |  | 1715 | 3420 | 10913 | 2394 |
5221 | Wei Gong Memorial Hospital |  | 1716 | 5125 | 8843 | 2394 |
5302 | Fallbrook Hospital |  | 1717 | 3994 | 10913 | 2394 |
1842 | Kliniken des Main Taunus Kreises Gmbg |  | 1718 | 2397 | 1414 | 2394 |
3300 | Sana Klinikum Hof |  | 1719 | 5068 | 2505 | 2394 |
5005 | Shenzhen Kin Hospital |  | 1720 | 3018 | 12104 | 2394 |
722 | First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |  | 1721 | 184 | 5709 | 2394 |