10313 | (1) Hospital Universitario Alzira Velano |  | 7542 | 11813 | 6757 | 2394 |
11371 | Iasis Hospital Gavrilakis General Clinic S.A. |  | 5522 | 11819 | 10913 | 2394 |
11482 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Schadel Kiefer und Gesichtschirurgie Universitatspital Bern |  | 11832 | 11821 | 8651 | 2394 |
11411 | Oklahoma City Clinic |  | 12411 | 11827 | 8086 | 2394 |
11193 | Shah Alam Specialist Hospital |  | 11249 | 11827 | 7956 | 2394 |
11730 | Hospital Vozandes Quito |  | 8394 | 11827 | 10913 | 2394 |
11623 | Fundación Hospital Parroquial de San Bernardo |  | 7485 | 11827 | 10913 | 2394 |
11807 | Clínica de Salud Integral |  | 6449 | 11827 | 12104 | 2394 |
10040 | Wrangell Medical Center |  | 11903 | 11827 | 3504 | 2394 |
11385 | Dr Ziauddin Hospital Karachi |  | 6895 | 11827 | 10253 | 2394 |
10766 | First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University Center for Reproductive |  | 7089 | 11835 | 8319 | 2394 |
11627 | St Hubertus Stift Krankenhaus im Erftkreis |  | 7461 | 11836 | 10913 | 2394 |
11547 | Bamberg County Hospital & Nursin Center |  | 9410 | 11837 | 9811 | 2394 |
10987 | Garden County Health Services |  | 11204 | 11837 | 7298 | 2394 |
11968 | Institute of Child and Mother Health |  | 13167 | 11839 | 9504 | 2394 |
10274 | OSH Foundation (Grey Bruce Regional Health Centre) |  | 10040 | 11840 | 5294 | 2394 |
11132 | Szpital Powiatowy W Wagrowcu |  | 13227 | 11841 | 6554 | 2394 |
10698 | Szpital Powiatowy Im Jana Pawla II W Trzciance |  | 9720 | 11843 | 6962 | 2394 |
9100 | Hospital Universitario São Francisco de Paula |  | 3088 | 11844 | 5597 | 2394 |
11927 | South Perth Hospital |  | 11325 | 11844 | 10253 | 2394 |
11843 | Al Hayat Hospital |  | 10749 | 11847 | 10253 | 2394 |
10963 | Villa Margherita Casa di Cura Privata Arcugnano (VI) |  | 9781 | 11847 | 7846 | 2394 |
11512 | Shinchon Yonsei Hospital |  | 4176 | 11849 | 12104 | 2394 |
10759 | Highlands Medical Center (White County Community Hospital) |  | 10606 | 11849 | 6677 | 2394 |
11618 | Greenwich Fertility & Ivf Center P.C. |  | 13585 | 11852 | 8086 | 2394 |
11699 | Hospital Universitario Ana Bezerra |  | 14607 | 11853 | 6897 | 2394 |
6383 | Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva del Hospital Madrid Norte |  | 3545 | 11856 | 3128 | 724 |
8775 | Hospital Regional Rancagua |  | 8411 | 11858 | 1567 | 2394 |
11466 | St Luke's Hospital's Surrey Place |  | 9410 | 11859 | 9504 | 2394 |
11296 | Fundación HOMI Hospital de la Misericordia |  | 4821 | 11862 | 10913 | 2394 |
9888 | Hospital Santa Cruz Santa Cruz do Sul |  | 8029 | 11863 | 4941 | 2394 |
11385 | Sharif Medical City |  | 9943 | 11863 | 9055 | 2394 |
11067 | Psihijatrijska Bolnica Ugljan |  | 11082 | 11865 | 7560 | 2394 |
11927 | San Domenico Casa di Cura Privata |  | 9752 | 11865 | 10913 | 2394 |
11699 | Sanford Tracy Medical Center |  | 7930 | 11867 | 10913 | 2394 |
8437 | Szpital Miejski W Piekarach Slaskich |  | 1359 | 11867 | 5488 | 2394 |
9363 | Hospital de Alta Complejidad Pte Juan Domingo Perón |  | 2677 | 11870 | 8086 | 1934 |
11949 | Integra Servicios Médicos |  | 7241 | 11872 | 12104 | 2394 |
6436 | Hospital Suba E.S.E. |  | 1195 | 11873 | 875 | 2394 |
11522 | Casa di Cura Privata Città di Bra |  | 11002 | 11873 | 9055 | 2394 |
7657 | Wojewódzki Szpital Okulistyczny W Krakowie |  | 5432 | 11873 | 754 | 2394 |
11000 | Clínica V San Sebastián |  | 6462 | 11877 | 9261 | 2394 |
9694 | Hospital Espírita Andre Luiz |  | 11548 | 11878 | 7298 | 972 |
10356 | Sapporo Century Hospital |  | 8935 | 11878 | 6059 | 2394 |
11117 | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Klinikum Westerwald Krankenhaus Kirchen |  | 13122 | 11882 | 6497 | 2394 |
11906 | Computed Tomography Department of Saint Savvas Anticancer Hospital |  | 6836 | 11883 | 12104 | 2394 |
3737 | Hospital Centro Oriente |  | 3450 | 11888 | 528 | 301 |
10434 | Wilson Leprosy Center & Rehabilitation Hospital |  | 789 | 11888 | 12104 | 2394 |
11715 | Pelayanan Kesehatan St Carolus |  | 7930 | 11890 | 10913 | 2394 |
9624 | Centre Hospitalier de la Basse Terre |  | 6663 | 11891 | 4715 | 2394 |
11569 | Nemocnice Nasledne Pece V Moste |  | 11832 | 11895 | 8843 | 2394 |
11201 | Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Galati Sf Apostol Hospital |  | 7734 | 11898 | 9261 | 2394 |
11461 | Apotheek Haagse Ziekenhuizen |  | 3696 | 11899 | 12104 | 2394 |
11344 | Kuwanomi & Yodoi Hospital |  | 11589 | 11900 | 8086 | 2394 |
10801 | Matagorda County Hospital District |  | 11770 | 11903 | 6059 | 2394 |
10748 | Inselspital Klinik und Poliklinik für Radio Onkologie Universitatspital Bern |  | 9897 | 11906 | 6826 | 2394 |
10838 | Casa di Cura Città di Parma |  | 8620 | 11907 | 7755 | 2394 |
10341 | UVA Culpeper Hospital |  | 10948 | 11908 | 4798 | 2394 |
11859 | Kula Hospital |  | 14682 | 11910 | 7210 | 2394 |
10728 | Hospital Duchess of Kent |  | 8175 | 11915 | 7560 | 2394 |
10661 | Hospital Cruz Roja Española de Gijón |  | 12269 | 11915 | 5202 | 2394 |
11411 | Insight Optometry Group |  | 9148 | 11915 | 9261 | 2394 |
11513 | Northridge Medical Center |  | 11046 | 11919 | 8843 | 2394 |
11222 | Psychiatrickej Nemocnice Michalovce N.O. |  | 12932 | 11921 | 6897 | 2394 |
9661 | Donga Hospital |  | 124 | 11921 | 12104 | 2394 |
10742 | Casa di Cura Salus Brindisi |  | 6962 | 11921 | 8086 | 2394 |
11400 | Centrul Medical Terra Aster Alba Iulia |  | 9070 | 11921 | 9261 | 2394 |
11305 | Casa di Cura Villa Mafalda |  | 10794 | 11931 | 8217 | 2394 |
10131 | Universitätsspital Basel Urologische Klinik |  | 12411 | 11932 | 4547 | 1934 |
10458 | Psychiatricka Lecebna Jihlava |  | 9839 | 11933 | 5709 | 2394 |
9740 | Hospital da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Sobral |  | 6036 | 11935 | 5232 | 2394 |
10511 | Clínica del Occidente |  | 6195 | 11936 | 8843 | 1934 |
11351 | Dr Bear's Family Clinic/Bear Medical Health Group |  | 9532 | 11938 | 8843 | 2394 |
8950 | Hospital Infantil Dr Robert Reid Cabral |  | 9863 | 11938 | 5019 | 1132 |
10742 | Greeley County Health Services |  | 8612 | 11938 | 7298 | 2394 |
11569 | Cooperativa Sanitaria de Galicia |  | 9720 | 11941 | 9504 | 2394 |
11763 | Mciver Urological Clinic |  | 11204 | 11942 | 9504 | 2394 |
10100 | South Calgary Primary Care Network |  | 6608 | 11942 | 6059 | 2394 |
11113 | First Care Health Center Park River ND |  | 9922 | 11942 | 7956 | 2394 |
9781 | Nemocnice Sedlčany (Mediterra Sedlcany) |  | 7168 | 11946 | 4682 | 2394 |
9180 | Sumperska Nemocnice |  | 5847 | 11946 | 3519 | 2394 |
11445 | Eye Center of Southern Indiana |  | 12013 | 11946 | 8086 | 2394 |
11730 | Casa de Saúde e Maternidade São Jose |  | 9070 | 11946 | 10253 | 2394 |
10688 | Healthcare of Berrien County |  | 6936 | 11951 | 7846 | 2394 |
10652 | Tomskaya Central District Hospital |  | 10606 | 11951 | 5959 | 2394 |
10250 | Van Diest Medical Center |  | 6814 | 11953 | 6430 | 2394 |
11162 | Frauenklinik des Universitatsklinikums Erlangen |  | 10233 | 11955 | 7956 | 2394 |
10332 | Hospital e Maternidade Marieta Konder Bornhausen |  | 9545 | 11955 | 5360 | 2394 |
8845 | Nemocnice Prerov Prispevkova Organizace |  | 3751 | 11955 | 3705 | 2394 |
9312 | Sakuramachi Group |  | 12057 | 11962 | 3621 | 1328 |
10759 | Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris - Centre de Référence labellisé NEUROFIBROMATOSES |  | 14682 | 11962 | 6962 | 1085 |
6949 | E.S.E Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz |  | 6844 | 11962 | 240 | 1934 |
9793 | University Medical Center Utrecht Dermatology and Allergology |  | 4527 | 11966 | 6274 | 2394 |
11757 | Guangzhou General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region pet / ct. |  | 7611 | 11966 | 10913 | 2394 |
11699 | Özel Imperial Hastanesi |  | 4857 | 11966 | 12104 | 2394 |
11436 | Cooperstown Medical Center |  | 13472 | 11966 | 7039 | 2394 |
11972 | Via Una Poliklinika |  | 6706 | 11974 | 12104 | 2394 |
11075 | Clinic Vizus Oftalmologii |  | 8229 | 11974 | 8481 | 2394 |
11193 | St James Parish Hospital |  | 8241 | 11976 | 8843 | 2394 |
11949 | Clínica Santa María Guatemala |  | 6507 | 11978 | 12104 | 2394 |