5288 | NHS Borders |  | 5161 | 10219 | 800 | 1289 |
4115 | Zachodniopomorskiego Centrum Onkologii W Szczecinie |  | 2897 | 7438 | 797 | 2394 |
652 | Rochester General Health System |  | 1638 | 645 | 797 | 1815 |
679 | Alkmaar Medical Centre |  | 262 | 1408 | 797 | 1157 |
721 | Générale de Santé |  | 1277 | 1029 | 796 | 1270 |
150 | University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics |  | 369 | 568 | 795 | 116 |
2197 | Airedale NHS |  | 4248 | 4049 | 794 | 1328 |
1972 | NHS North West |  | 7179 | 1841 | 793 | 2394 |
1128 | Bedford Hospital NHS Trust |  | 4320 | 1306 | 792 | 1328 |
383 | Integris Health |  | 90 | 879 | 791 | 815 |
2228 | Poole Hospital NHS Trust |  | 5698 | 2522 | 790 | 2394 |
1851 | Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe |  | 3808 | 2172 | 789 | 2394 |
52 | Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology |  | 290 | 70 | 788 | 143 |
360 | Yale New Haven Hospital |  | 1115 | 149 | 787 | 2394 |
830 | Regions Hospital |  | 476 | 998 | 785 | 2394 |
1961 | Swindon & Marlborough NHS |  | 4709 | 3643 | 785 | 1157 |
945 | (1) Ortenau Klinikum |  | 1010 | 1768 | 784 | 1157 |
2741 | Schizophrenia Research Institute |  | 4243 | 4143 | 781 | 2394 |
1432 | Tohoku University Hospital |  | 2639 | 1602 | 781 | 2394 |
1048 | Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge |  | 1447 | 2303 | 781 | 903 |
1902 | Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals NHS |  | 3961 | 3304 | 780 | 1328 |
2172 | Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3427 | 2993 | 779 | 2394 |
716 | Ministry Health Care |  | 1093 | 628 | 778 | 2394 |
759 | Phoenix Children's Hospital |  | 437 | 1519 | 777 | 1270 |
1568 | Elgin St Thomas Health Unit |  | 1999 | 4516 | 775 | 729 |
8469 | Hospital San Rafael Tunja E.S.E. |  | 1764 | 13283 | 775 | 2394 |
2343 | Grupo Hospital de Madrid |  | 4855 | 3023 | 774 | 2394 |
143 | St Louis Children's Hospital |  | 260 | 323 | 773 | 241 |
1840 | Walton Centre |  | 3376 | 3346 | 772 | 1328 |
1457 | Union Hospital |  | 3228 | 1543 | 770 | 2394 |
405 | Xiangya Hospital Central South University |  | 986 | 215 | 770 | 2394 |
566 | Institut universitaire en Santé Mentale de Montréal (hopital Louis H Lafontaine) |  | 2783 | 2117 | 769 | 165 |
1025 | St Joseph's Health Centre Toronto |  | 2560 | 2037 | 768 | 753 |
1739 | Kobe University Hospital |  | 4423 | 1870 | 766 | 2394 |
893 | Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis |  | 451 | 1173 | 766 | 2394 |
564 | Royal Liverpool University Hospital |  | 295 | 1552 | 765 | 661 |
1457 | Catharina Ziekenhuis |  | 2087 | 1786 | 764 | 2394 |
1725 | Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4098 | 3135 | 763 | 1157 |
985 | Phramongkutklao Hospital |  | 2373 | 2671 | 761 | 483 |
461 | Arkansas Children's Hospital Heart Center |  | 1892 | 611 | 761 | 737 |
6568 | Szpital Ogólny W Wysokiem Mazowieckiem |  | 7688 | 9997 | 758 | 2394 |
517 | Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla |  | 1608 | 1606 | 758 | 266 |
2034 | Hospital Universitario de Santa Maria |  | 3639 | 7289 | 758 | 361 |
1854 | Tokushima University Hospital |  | 3875 | 2189 | 757 | 2394 |
1575 | Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust |  | 5747 | 2652 | 756 | 931 |
7657 | Wojewódzki Szpital Okulistyczny W Krakowie |  | 5432 | 11873 | 754 | 2394 |
1218 | South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 2949 | 1897 | 754 | 1157 |
1483 | Medicorp Health System |  | 743 | 2506 | 753 | 2394 |
623 | Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center Sun Yat-sen University Affiliated |  | 1251 | 1378 | 752 | 610 |
671 | Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos |  | 3849 | 2733 | 751 | 132 |
146 | Cancer Institute & Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences |  | 538 | 116 | 750 | 589 |
4971 | Wojewódzki Szpital Bródnowski Samodzielny Publiczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej |  | 5372 | 8052 | 749 | 2394 |
579 | Samaritan Health Services OR |  | 2138 | 831 | 748 | 753 |
883 | Gruppo Giomi |  | 2776 | 6248 | 747 | 49 |
127 | Edward Hospital & Health Services |  | 492 | 68 | 746 | 694 |
5767 | Chi-Shan Hospital |  | 1837 | 10723 | 745 | 2394 |
114 | Institute of Cancer Research Royal Cancer Hospital |  | 40 | 268 | 744 | 357 |
293 | Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital |  | 288 | 145 | 743 | 2394 |
607 | University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 1909 | 476 | 742 | 1934 |
364 | Hallym University Medical Center |  | 37 | 574 | 741 | 1815 |
2418 | Yokohama City Minato Red Cross Hospital |  | 5295 | 3099 | 740 | 2394 |
509 | Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile |  | 723 | 1292 | 739 | 529 |
1063 | Osaka National Hospital |  | 3002 | 1137 | 738 | 1934 |
798 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma Servizio Sanitario Regionale Emilia Romagna |  | 2326 | 590 | 737 | 2394 |
2359 | Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |  | 4100 | 3280 | 736 | 2394 |
501 | Paracelsus Kliniken |  | 943 | 575 | 733 | 1328 |
3915 | Musgrove Park Hospital |  | 4405 | 8072 | 733 | 1328 |
4953 | SPZOZ w Świdnicy Oddział Ginekologiczno-Położniczy z Pododdziałem Patologii Ciąży |  | 2918 | 8977 | 733 | 2394 |
1032 | Maastricht UMC+ |  | 1531 | 1140 | 732 | 2394 |
1632 | Keijinkai Group |  | 2387 | 2091 | 730 | 2394 |
1753 | Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust |  | 3982 | 6864 | 730 | 278 |
1446 | Hospital General Universitario Vladimir Ilich Lenin |  | 3882 | 8286 | 728 | 84 |
543 | Cancer Institute Nsw |  | 4030 | 1253 | 728 | 289 |
428 | Health First Care Florida |  | 2306 | 161 | 726 | 2394 |
690 | Ospedale Luigi Sacco Milano |  | 5536 | 295 | 726 | 2394 |
148 | Baker Heart Research Institute |  | 146 | 896 | 725 | 74 |
763 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke |  | 1510 | 1942 | 722 | 549 |
329 | Coxhealth |  | 207 | 579 | 722 | 815 |
1438 | Centre de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Gatineau |  | 4461 | 4718 | 722 | 366 |
2359 | Fundacion Hospital Son Llàtzer |  | 4062 | 3308 | 720 | 2394 |
1292 | Royal Victoria Hospital |  | 4183 | 2141 | 720 | 972 |
3079 | Sakai Municipal Hospital |  | 5656 | 5935 | 719 | 1328 |
44 | University of North Carolina Healthcare |  | 15 | 146 | 718 | 131 |
1094 | Klinikum Chemnitz |  | 1799 | 1928 | 716 | 1157 |
312 | Akademiska Sjukhuset Uppsala University Hospital |  | 794 | 938 | 716 | 254 |
1211 | L.R.S Institute of Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases |  | 11770 | 4150 | 714 | 123 |
2268 | University Medical Center Health System Hospital Lubbock Texas |  | 6043 | 3799 | 714 | 1328 |
6914 | (1) Szpital Zespól Opieki Zdrowotnej |  | 6402 | 10789 | 713 | 2394 |
7040 | Wojewodzki Szpital Zespolony w Toruniu |  | 5039 | 11309 | 712 | 2394 |
598 | Fakultní Nemocnice Kralovske Vinohrady |  | 149 | 1185 | 711 | 1328 |
2530 | Azienda Ospedaliera S Maria di Terni |  | 6242 | 4454 | 710 | 1739 |
1169 | Lsu Health Care Services Division Louisiana's Hospital System |  | 5151 | 2691 | 708 | 479 |
1077 | Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust |  | 904 | 4384 | 708 | 446 |
463 | Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |  | 3330 | 2484 | 707 | 64 |
4550 | Fars Health Center |  | 3028 | 9436 | 706 | 1815 |
351 | Phyathai Hospital Phya Thai's One Stop Center |  | 482 | 201 | 705 | 2394 |
3008 | Azienda Unità Locale Socio Sanitaria nº 2 Ospedale S Maria del Prato di Feltre |  | 5640 | 4359 | 703 | 2394 |
741 | Klinikum Augsburg |  | 1999 | 1443 | 703 | 694 |
366 | Wenzhou Medical College First Affiliated Hospital |  | 166 | 517 | 702 | 1289 |
1872 | Croydon Health Services (formerly Mayday) |  | 3959 | 3320 | 701 | 1328 |