7043 | Afpergs Hospital Ernesto Dornelles |  | 3103 | 8737 | 6430 | 2394 |
11351 | Hospital Eugenio Espejo |  | 9024 | 13338 | 3797 | 2394 |
10057 | Hospital Espírita Fabiano de Cristo |  | 7136 | 8794 | 12104 | 2394 |
3936 | Heidekreis Klinikums Krankenhauser Soltau und Walsrode |  | 4267 | 4824 | 2922 | 2394 |
8765 | Reykjahlid Health Center |  | 3395 | 11245 | 5789 | 2394 |
7773 | Heilig Geist Hospital Bingen |  | 4387 | 6597 | 10913 | 2394 |
2303 | Primary Health Care of The Capital Area Clinics |  | 3276 | 2354 | 2294 | 2394 |
3807 | Heim Pál Children's Hospital |  | 6555 | 2835 | 5559 | 2394 |
8820 | Heinrich Braun Klinikum |  | 4796 | 7387 | 12104 | 2394 |
7659 | Heisei Memorial Hospital |  | 9698 | 7972 | 5921 | 2394 |
3767 | Kurashiki Heisei Hospital of Neurosurgery |  | 6440 | 4429 | 1991 | 2394 |
9594 | Helena Regional Medical Center |  | 2116 | 10409 | 10913 | 2394 |
4525 | Helene Fuld College of Nursing of North General Hospital |  | 8328 | 3341 | 6013 | 2394 |
1700 | Helen Hayes Hospital |  | 4851 | 946 | 3814 | 2394 |
4262 | Helen Keller Hospital |  | 4141 | 2927 | 8319 | 2394 |
7541 | Kliniken des Landkreises Göppingen |  | 7930 | 8793 | 4856 | 2394 |
2836 | Helgelandssykehuset |  | 1577 | 5900 | 577 | 2394 |
132 | HELIOS Kliniken Gruppe |  | 139 | 53 | 81 | 2394 |
11482 | Helios Society |  | 13122 | 10367 | 10913 | 2394 |
8406 | Hellmig Krankenhaus Kamen |  | 7291 | 8597 | 7956 | 2394 |
2122 | Helse Sunnmøre Volda and Ålesund Hospitals |  | 2730 | 3748 | 325 | 2394 |
5040 | Hemodialysis Center Paphos |  | 14052 | 979 | 12104 | 2394 |
11127 | Henderson County Community Hospital |  | 2966 | 12095 | 10913 | 2394 |
6302 | Hendricks Community Hospital Association |  | 12493 | 5383 | 5267 | 2394 |
7399 | Hendry Regional Medical Center |  | 7232 | 8682 | 4966 | 2394 |
9757 | Henfield Medical Centre |  | 12841 | 9296 | 7956 | 2394 |
11436 | Henley In Arden Medical Centre |  | 12493 | 12010 | 7660 | 2394 |
3772 | Henriettenstiftung |  | 5830 | 4131 | 2797 | 2394 |
7616 | Henry County Hospital Napoleon Ohio |  | 3096 | 6854 | 10913 | 2394 |
2869 | Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital |  | 4219 | 1824 | 6497 | 2394 |
8599 | Hospital Dr Eduardo Pereira Ramírez |  | 6895 | 11436 | 2512 | 2394 |
10452 | Hospital Espírita de Porto Alegre |  | 9665 | 10770 | 8651 | 2394 |
5870 | Sanatorium Hera |  | 8175 | 4984 | 6897 | 2394 |
11878 | Hereford Hospital NHS Trust |  | 15468 | 8158 | 12104 | 2394 |
9199 | Heritage Medical Center |  | 2241 | 9816 | 10913 | 2394 |
2192 | Heritage Valley Health System |  | 4809 | 1769 | 2586 | 2394 |
6127 | Hermitage Medical Clinic |  | 10040 | 6870 | 2992 | 2394 |
4129 | British Hernia Centre (London Hernia Clinic) |  | 11506 | 855 | 12104 | 2394 |
9349 | Herts and Essex Fertility Centre Holly House Hospital |  | 8202 | 9694 | 8319 | 2394 |
8341 | Hamburg University Cardiovascular Center Prof Mathey Prof Schofer and Partners |  | 9581 | 9343 | 5202 | 2394 |
3544 | Herz Jesu Krankenhaus Fulda |  | 1904 | 4328 | 4798 | 2394 |
2545 | Herzog Hospital Jerusalem |  | 7984 | 1081 | 6619 | 2394 |
7176 | Herzzentrum Bern |  | 11548 | 6316 | 6677 | 2394 |
4993 | Herzzentrum Dresden Universitatsklinik |  | 6990 | 4654 | 5294 | 2394 |
6379 | Herzzentrum Hirslanden Zurich |  | 10547 | 5026 | 7298 | 2394 |
10297 | Hospital Escola São Francisco de Assis Ufrj |  | 10140 | 11756 | 5559 | 2394 |
6042 | Hesperia Hospital Modena |  | 7495 | 7208 | 3195 | 2394 |
5278 | Hessingpark-Clinic |  | 4693 | 5559 | 5746 | 2394 |
6962 | Nørlund Hestehospital V Dyrlæge Hans Schougaard |  | 10067 | 3854 | 10913 | 2394 |
6487 | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Hetényi Géza Kórház-Rendelointézet |  | 8347 | 8018 | 2787 | 2394 |
4821 | Hospital do Espirito Santo de Evora E.P.E. |  | 3949 | 7473 | 1438 | 2394 |
3510 | Heywood Hospital |  | 5008 | 3771 | 3029 | 2394 |
5870 | Hopital Français de Hanoï |  | 3788 | 3287 | 12104 | 2394 |
5176 | Hefei Stomatological Hospital |  | 3180 | 4405 | 8651 | 2394 |
10595 | Hospital Federico Lleras Acosta E.S.E |  | 9516 | 13353 | 1339 | 2394 |
1987 | Holy Family Memorial |  | 2323 | 2408 | 1497 | 2394 |
7262 | HFR Algemeen Ziekenhuis Heilige Familie Rumst |  | 3250 | 7739 | 8651 | 2394 |
2369 | Hospital for Special Care |  | 5678 | 2160 | 1824 | 2394 |
10657 | HFS Halsoframjande Sjukhus |  | 4087 | 10617 | 12104 | 2394 |
3148 | First People's Hospital of Hefei |  | 3255 | 3255 | 3985 | 2394 |
5058 | Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital |  | 6208 | 4037 | 7210 | 2394 |
8084 | Heilig Geist Hospital Bensheim |  | 8855 | 5809 | 10913 | 2394 |
5459 | (1) Hopital General de Hawkesbury & District General Hospital Inc. |  | 6913 | 6430 | 3204 | 2394 |
8632 | Humboldt General Hospital NV |  | 9354 | 7863 | 8843 | 2394 |
5704 | Heilig Geist Krankenhaus |  | 7291 | 2745 | 10913 | 2394 |
7884 | Hospital General de Medellin Luz Castro de Gutierrez Empresa Social del Estado |  | 6944 | 9997 | 3748 | 2394 |
9971 | Hopital Glengarry Memorial Hospital |  | 6285 | 8882 | 12104 | 2394 |
9026 | Dongfeng flowers and fruits Hospital |  | 6652 | 7181 | 12104 | 2394 |
3958 | Huanggang Central Hospital |  | 4515 | 1357 | 12104 | 2394 |
5925 | Herz Kreislauf Klinik Bevensen Ag |  | 6242 | 7004 | 3911 | 2394 |
6921 | Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Heilig Hart |  | 8148 | 7070 | 6059 | 2394 |
10971 | Hospital de Hellín |  | 4309 | 11050 | 12104 | 2394 |
5026 | Regionaal Ziekenhuis H Hart Leuven |  | 5299 | 5435 | 4771 | 2394 |
6011 | H Hartziekenhuis Lier |  | 6086 | 7707 | 2932 | 2394 |
11232 | Hôpital d'Instruction des Armees Laveran |  | 10162 | 12464 | 6826 | 2394 |
4383 | Hialeah Hospital |  | 6798 | 4024 | 4682 | 2394 |
6881 | Hidaka General Hospital |  | 8586 | 6812 | 6274 | 2394 |
8142 | Psychiatrisch Centrum Sint Hiëronymus |  | 11046 | 8401 | 5709 | 2394 |
5237 | Sapporo Higashi Tokushukai |  | 4245 | 5112 | 6757 | 2394 |
3544 | Higashi Omiya General Hospital |  | 3745 | 3555 | 4547 | 2394 |
10131 | Highbridge Medical Centre |  | 12728 | 10487 | 6757 | 2394 |
3017 | Highgate Hospital |  | 5874 | 2524 | 3550 | 2394 |
10197 | Highland Community Hospital Picayune Ms |  | 7291 | 11042 | 8319 | 2394 |
10197 | Highland Clinic |  | 8063 | 8791 | 12104 | 2394 |
8107 | Highlands Hospital Connellsville PA |  | 7269 | 9058 | 6328 | 2394 |
9015 | Highlands Medical Center |  | 9599 | 9098 | 7846 | 2394 |
10759 | Highlands Medical Center (White County Community Hospital) |  | 10606 | 11849 | 6677 | 2394 |
4932 | Highlands Regional Medical Center Florida |  | 1152 | 4293 | 10253 | 2394 |
5105 | Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust |  | 6195 | 5286 | 4798 | 2394 |
9677 | Hijirigaoka Hospital |  | 12098 | 7905 | 10253 | 2394 |
8347 | Hikone Central Hospital |  | 9839 | 7977 | 7755 | 2394 |
11976 | Hillbank Health Centre |  | 13725 | 11327 | 10253 | 2394 |
5147 | Hill Country Memorial Hospital |  | 4433 | 5982 | 4532 | 2394 |
4550 | Hillcrest Healthcare System |  | 9742 | 2038 | 8843 | 2394 |
9549 | Hillcrest Hospital Claremore (Regional Hospital) |  | 9781 | 9048 | 9261 | 2394 |
10576 | Hillcrest Hospital (Cushing Regional Hospital) |  | 9303 | 10388 | 9811 | 2394 |
9204 | Hillcrest Hospital South (Southcrest Hospital) |  | 7794 | 8608 | 9811 | 2394 |
1919 | Hill Physicians Medical Group CA |  | 439 | 3016 | 2331 | 2394 |
9384 | Hill Regional Hospital |  | 2024 | 10209 | 10913 | 2394 |
7616 | Hillsboro Area Hospital |  | 7561 | 9264 | 4213 | 2394 |