601 | 1770 | Katholisches Kinderkrankenhaus Wilhelmstift |  | 5451 | 1669 | 2912 | 1328 |
602 | 1770 | Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Siracusa |  | 2500 | 5623 | 242 | 860 |
603 | 1774 | Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus Alfried Krupp Hospital |  | 3521 | 2102 | 2468 | 1328 |
604 | 1774 | Ústav Hematologie a Krevní Transfuze/Úhkt U Nemocnice 1 |  | 4518 | 2721 | 1392 | 1145 |
605 | 1776 | Slotervaartziekenhuis |  | 2245 | 2275 | 1047 | 2394 |
606 | 1776 | Instytut Matki i Dziecka |  | 5023 | 1884 | 2226 | 1739 |
607 | 1779 | Spaarne Ziekenhuis |  | 3685 | 1729 | 1420 | 2394 |
608 | 1779 | Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg |  | 3792 | 1659 | 1552 | 2394 |
609 | 1779 | Pécsi Tudományegyetem Klinikai Központ Honlapja |  | 1355 | 7503 | 1570 | 280 |
610 | 1782 | Clinique de Genolier |  | 2844 | 1565 | 2459 | 2394 |
611 | 1782 | Dienst Anesthesie Sint-Elisabethziekenhuis Herentals |  | 13331 | 155 | 9811 | 2394 |
612 | 1785 | Psychiatricka Nemocnica Philippa Pinela |  | 3594 | 7011 | 138 | 483 |
613 | 1789 | Ida Tallinna Keskhaigla East Tallinn Central Hospital |  | 1886 | 2455 | 1054 | 2394 |
614 | 1792 | Országos Gyermekegészségügyi Intézet Budapest |  | 7542 | 4090 | 1709 | 405 |
615 | 1792 | EMC Health Care Medical Centre |  | 2117 | 1883 | 1953 | 2394 |
616 | 1798 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims |  | 2503 | 2703 | 4605 | 753 |
617 | 1802 | Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust |  | 5201 | 2246 | 1502 | 1328 |
618 | 1802 | (1) Centre Hospitalier Interrégional Edith Cavell |  | 508 | 2636 | 2348 | 2394 |
619 | 1805 | Dorset HealthCare |  | 4890 | 3553 | 1000 | 860 |
620 | 1809 | Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios Provincia Bética |  | 4674 | 2420 | 4232 | 701 |
621 | 1812 | Atrium Ziekenhuis Medisch Centrum |  | 1518 | 1206 | 9261 | 1289 |
622 | 1820 | Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes |  | 1137 | 2232 | 2370 | 2394 |
623 | 1823 | Nottinghamshire County Teaching Primary Care NHS Trust |  | 33 | 4536 | 1953 | 2394 |
624 | 1825 | Anadolu Saglik Merkezi |  | 2222 | 1064 | 6213 | 2394 |
625 | 1825 | Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO 3 |  | 4041 | 2557 | 324 | 2394 |
626 | 1827 | Polyclinique de l'Europe |  | 10547 | 185 | 10913 | 2394 |
627 | 1829 | East Lancashire Hospitals |  | 3350 | 3235 | 1750 | 972 |
628 | 1831 | Azienda Ospedaliera della Valtellina e della Valchiavenna |  | 3932 | 5209 | 20 | 1739 |
629 | 1831 | Górnoslaskie Centrum Medyczne |  | 1206 | 5131 | 32 | 2394 |
630 | 1836 | Medical Center Medlife |  | 2134 | 1549 | 3519 | 2394 |
631 | 1837 | Kliniken Schmieder Stuttgart Tagesklinik |  | 5383 | 2118 | 3269 | 972 |
632 | 1837 | Nordsjællands Hospital (Hillerød Hospital) |  | 593 | 3721 | 820 | 2394 |
633 | 1839 | Cliniques Universitaires Ucl de Mont Godinne |  | 3745 | 2641 | 1987 | 1157 |
634 | 1840 | Walton Centre |  | 3376 | 3346 | 772 | 1328 |
635 | 1840 | Szent János Kórház Budapest |  | 160 | 3662 | 1867 | 2394 |
636 | 1842 | Kliniken des Main Taunus Kreises Gmbg |  | 1718 | 2397 | 1414 | 2394 |
637 | 1844 | Clínica Central do Bonfim Lda. |  | 851 | 1570 | 5789 | 2394 |
638 | 1844 | Nemocnice Znojmo |  | 180 | 2222 | 5445 | 2394 |
639 | 1848 | Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Castres Mazamet |  | 4368 | 3367 | 1830 | 798 |
640 | 1849 | Belfast Trust and Social Care Trust |  | 4436 | 1713 | 1414 | 2394 |
641 | 1851 | Ziekenhuis Nij Smellinghe |  | 3808 | 2172 | 789 | 2394 |
642 | 1851 | Rentek Diyaliz Merkezi |  | 11701 | 115 | 12104 | 2394 |
643 | 1855 | St Petersburg Medical Center |  | 1337 | 1291 | 9055 | 1328 |
644 | 1858 | Schwarzwald Baar Klinikum Villingen Schwenningen |  | 4973 | 2167 | 1974 | 1328 |
645 | 1860 | Gzo Spital Wetzikon |  | 179 | 3382 | 2354 | 2394 |
646 | 1860 | Caritas Krankenhaus Bad Mergentheim |  | 2370 | 1885 | 2059 | 2394 |
647 | 1862 | Ospedale Civile di Legnano |  | 1116 | 5339 | 271 | 1815 |
648 | 1865 | Felix Platter Spital |  | 4914 | 2736 | 3073 | 753 |
649 | 1869 | Lexum Ocní Klinika |  | 5379 | 1122 | 6677 | 1328 |
650 | 1872 | Croydon Health Services (formerly Mayday) |  | 3959 | 3320 | 701 | 1328 |
651 | 1873 | Fundació Puigvert Clínica Uro Nefro Andrológica |  | 5981 | 3137 | 4007 | 470 |
652 | 1874 | Nemocnice Rudolfa a Stefanie Benesov |  | 2357 | 2361 | 1160 | 2394 |
653 | 1879 | Algemeen Ziekenhuis Groeninge |  | 2937 | 2482 | 1424 | 1934 |
654 | 1879 | Institutu Klinické a Experimentální Medicíny |  | 1842 | 1545 | 4270 | 2394 |
655 | 1885 | Azienda Ospedaliera Carlo Poma |  | 2233 | 7218 | 294 | 529 |
656 | 1885 | Medical Centre Dobrobut Kiev |  | 1053 | 1749 | 4747 | 2394 |
657 | 1890 | Augusta Kliniken Bochum Hattingen (Evangelische Krankenhaus) |  | 3611 | 3189 | 166 | 2394 |
658 | 1893 | Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale nº 3 di Catania |  | 3071 | 4598 | 353 | 1270 |
659 | 1902 | Caritas Krankenhaus St Josef |  | 4721 | 2093 | 2496 | 1328 |
660 | 1902 | Klinikum Osnabruck |  | 3046 | 3950 | 648 | 1289 |
661 | 1902 | Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals NHS |  | 3961 | 3304 | 780 | 1328 |
662 | 1905 | Main Kinzig Kliniken Gelnhausen |  | 163 | 3209 | 3073 | 2394 |
663 | 1906 | Ersta Hospital |  | 3676 | 2133 | 3044 | 1328 |
664 | 1908 | Sykehuset Telemark Hf |  | 3287 | 4474 | 437 | 1157 |
665 | 1914 | Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus |  | 4127 | 1451 | 2858 | 2394 |
666 | 1914 | Juliusspital Wurzburg |  | 4361 | 1102 | 4682 | 2394 |
667 | 1923 | Clinica Cemtro Madrid |  | 1868 | 3599 | 2017 | 1157 |
668 | 1927 | Stockholm South General Hospital |  | 3953 | 2051 | 1972 | 1934 |
669 | 1929 | Herz Zentrum Bad Krozingen |  | 5554 | 2885 | 3765 | 630 |
670 | 1930 | Medem International Clinic & Hospital |  | 2974 | 1272 | 6430 | 1934 |
671 | 1935 | Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust |  | 3392 | 4057 | 471 | 1328 |
672 | 1935 | Swietokrzyskie Centrum Onkologii |  | 3239 | 4837 | 594 | 931 |
673 | 1935 | Royal Hospital School |  | 698 | 2198 | 4093 | 2394 |
674 | 1938 | Institut Bergonie Le Centre Regional de Lutte Contre Le Cancer de Bordeaux et Du Sud Ouest |  | 4403 | 3455 | 657 | 1328 |
675 | 1945 | Clinical Hospital nr 122 L G Sokolova |  | 3040 | 2564 | 3394 | 1157 |
676 | 1948 | Royal Free Hospital NHS |  | 2623 | 699 | 10913 | 1815 |
677 | 1952 | Tameside Hospital |  | 5282 | 4184 | 566 | 972 |
678 | 1952 | Altra Vita |  | 3209 | 560 | 9811 | 2394 |
679 | 1956 | Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS |  | 1896 | 3934 | 571 | 1934 |
680 | 1958 | Landeskrankenhaus Khbg |  | 1728 | 5289 | 1402 | 801 |
681 | 1961 | Klinik Lindberg |  | 3819 | 1594 | 2603 | 2394 |
682 | 1961 | Ziekenhuis St Jansdal |  | 2154 | 1662 | 3814 | 2394 |
683 | 1961 | Swindon & Marlborough NHS |  | 4709 | 3643 | 785 | 1157 |
684 | 1966 | (1) Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma C |  | 2304 | 2817 | 869 | 2394 |
685 | 1966 | Centre Hospitalier de Luxemburg |  | 1770 | 2197 | 2323 | 2394 |
686 | 1968 | Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera S Croce e Carle |  | 4112 | 4520 | 200 | 1328 |
687 | 1968 | Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular de Barcelona |  | 3000 | 2713 | 2319 | 1328 |
688 | 1970 | Nemocnice Nove Mesto na Morave |  | 2814 | 2138 | 1636 | 2394 |
689 | 1972 | NHS North West |  | 7179 | 1841 | 793 | 2394 |
690 | 1973 | Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS |  | 4432 | 3263 | 402 | 1934 |
691 | 1973 | Portland Hospital |  | 4601 | 1438 | 3029 | 2394 |
692 | 1977 | Kerckhoff Klinik |  | 1992 | 2489 | 2526 | 1934 |
693 | 1978 | Plb Psychiatricka Lecebna Bohnice/ Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice |  | 6890 | 1428 | 1979 | 2394 |
694 | 1980 | East Cheshire NHS Trust |  | 3762 | 3216 | 239 | 2394 |
695 | 1980 | Klinikum Duisburg |  | 4447 | 2543 | 1962 | 1328 |
696 | 1984 | Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Antonio Cardarelli |  | 5830 | 3159 | 652 | 1739 |
697 | 1989 | Unidad de Neurocirugía RGS |  | 5311 | 5074 | 3463 | 294 |
698 | 1989 | Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis Assen |  | 3652 | 2089 | 1409 | 2394 |
699 | 1991 | AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende (Algemeen Ziekenhuis Sint-Jan) |  | 2931 | 4579 | 984 | 972 |
700 | 1992 | Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust |  | 3260 | 2316 | 1205 | 2394 |