1 | 175 | Aarhus University Hospital Aarhus Hospital | 1568 | 907 | 199 | 70 |
2 | 94 | Rigshospitalet | 692 | 471 | 90 | 101 |
3 | 598 | Hospitalsenheden West | 1532 | 4153 | 72 | 171 |
4 | 322 | Hvidovre Hospital | 824 | 1354 | 509 | 174 |
5 | 344 | Odense Universitetshospital Svendborg Sygehus | 1399 | 817 | 1332 | 223 |
6 | 603 | Hospitalsenhed Midt | 2121 | 2448 | 197 | 274 |
7 | 683 | Gentofte Hospital | 1013 | 2809 | 679 | 301 |
8 | 420 | Sct Hans Hospital Psykiatrisk Center Sct Hans | 1455 | 1237 | 274 | 379 |
9 | 1706 | Psykiatrien i Region Midtjylland (Aarhus University Hospital Risskov) | 3748 | 5706 | 889 | 405 |
10 | 417 | Bispebjerg Hospital | 939 | 966 | 673 | 458 |
11 | 630 | Glostrup Hospital | 985 | 1833 | 667 | 472 |
12 | 1731 | Regional Hospital of Randers and Grenaa | 3301 | 5189 | 822 | 549 |
13 | 581 | Herlev Hospital | 1097 | 1586 | 408 | 565 |
14 | 2156 | Regional Hospital Horsens and Brædstrup and Odder | 3792 | 5610 | 1124 | 661 |
15 | 1494 | Sygehus Lillebaelt | 2160 | 2366 | 2804 | 860 |
16 | 1689 | Frederiksberg Hospital | 1675 | 3196 | 1232 | 1739 |
17 | 3596 | Privathospitalet Mølholm | 4570 | 5316 | 2169 | 1934 |
18 | 9172 | Helsingør Hospital | 11938 | 11330 | 3550 | 1934 |
19 | 3260 | Southwest Jutland Hospital | 2461 | 4903 | 3115 | 1934 |
20 | 3759 | Copenhagen Fertility Center | 981 | 5137 | 6962 | 1934 |
21 | 10979 | Aagaard Klinik Gynækologi Og Fertilitet | 9163 | 10485 | 10913 | 2394 |
22 | 3406 | Århus Universitetshospital | 1233 | 5253 | 3376 | 2394 |
23 | 3600 | Aleris-Hamlet Hospitaler - Aleris | 3520 | 4914 | 2203 | 2394 |
24 | 3638 | H:S Amager Hospital | 1989 | 5201 | 3156 | 2394 |
25 | 7395 | AROS Private Hospital | 6541 | 7006 | 8319 | 2394 |
26 | 10205 | Arresødal Privathospital | 8056 | 12357 | 4323 | 2394 |
27 | 11750 | Bekkevold Privathospital | 8456 | 13353 | 5873 | 2394 |
28 | 3013 | Bornholms Hospital | 1139 | 4418 | 3566 | 2394 |
29 | 6422 | (1) Ciconia Aarhus Privathospital | 5146 | 7476 | 5399 | 2394 |
30 | 7437 | Dansk Fertilitetsklinik / Danish Fertility Clinic | 5410 | 8358 | 6677 | 2394 |
31 | 8575 | Surgical Clinic Prismet | 14330 | 4023 | 12104 | 2394 |
32 | 9704 | Ivf Fertilitetsklinikken Riberhus I Ballerup Peter Lundström / Fertility Clinic In Ballerup | 9231 | 9042 | 9811 | 2394 |
33 | 6604 | Maigaard Fertility Clinic | 12841 | 3267 | 9811 | 2394 |
34 | 1837 | Nordsjællands Hospital (Hillerød Hospital) | 593 | 3721 | 820 | 2394 |
35 | 7486 | OPA Ortopædisk Privathospital Aarhus i Scandinavian Center Århus | 1952 | 10556 | 5071 | 2394 |
36 | 11320 | Privathospitalet Danmark As | 7124 | 10905 | 12104 | 2394 |
37 | 10620 | Privat Hospital (Heart Center) Varde | 6962 | 12684 | 5232 | 2394 |
38 | 10080 | Privat Hospitalet Kollund | 8898 | 8365 | 12104 | 2394 |
39 | 7318 | Privathospitalet Skørping | 10067 | 5811 | 8651 | 2394 |
40 | 3784 | (1) Sønderborg Sygehus Sygehus Sønderjylland | 2714 | 4028 | 5294 | 2394 |
41 | 8098 | Sygehus Thy Mors | 2653 | 8497 | 9811 | 2394 |
42 | 7441 | Sygehus Vendsyssel | 1835 | 6623 | 12104 | 2394 |
43 | 9843 | Teres Hospitalet Aarhus (Grymer Private Hospital) | 9231 | 7871 | 12104 | 2394 |
44 | 8769 | Teres Hospitalet Parken (Park's Private Hospital) | 8262 | 6335 | 12104 | 2394 |
45 | 7437 | Triangle Fertility Clinic | 10420 | 6735 | 7210 | 2394 |
46 | 8207 | Vivorg Private Hospital | 10794 | 9893 | 3039 | 2394 |
47 | 7312 | Vitanova Fertility Center | 8262 | 7566 | 6374 | 2394 |
48 | 7779 | Endoskopiklinikken Privatklinik | 12932 | 5770 | 8481 | 2394 |
49 | 8769 | Frederikssund Hospital | 13122 | 9203 | 4798 | 2394 |
50 | 9416 | Gildhøj Private Hospital | 9163 | 8292 | 10253 | 2394 |
51 | 11100 | Privathospitalet H.C Andersen Klinikken | 10175 | 9886 | 12104 | 2394 |
52 | 6962 | Nørlund Hestehospital V Dyrlæge Hans Schougaard | 10067 | 3854 | 10913 | 2394 |
53 | 7797 | Humlegaarden Cancer Clinic | 12181 | 8893 | 3145 | 2394 |